
BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf2pqt wrote

She can listen to y’all who don’t even go near the area and just go off rumor and innuendo, or she can take it from someone who actually goes to the area and knows the gangs in the area. Clark and it’s surrounding areas are safe for people not involved in street/gang activity, and that’s just the facts .


BigResponsibility878 t1_jbf29ll wrote

so if it’s so dangerous, post the news articles of people being attacked in that area that’s not actively in a gang… Cuz y’all just feeding her bullshit and don’t even go near the area. I’m not telling her to not be smart. I’m telling her it’s not a warzone like some of you weirdos are telling her


BigResponsibility878 t1_jb6tcak wrote

My mom worked there for like 20 years, but it’s been “vacant” for like 25. Def probably some NSA shit going on in there tho. NSA had a secret at&t front in New York for YEARS