
BigFoot175 t1_j1d3ii9 wrote

I mean... You're not wrong. Upon further reading, I conclude that it definitely started out as a Socialist movement - German Workers' Party - but after everyone's least favorite Austrian got his grubby mitts on the reigns, it all went to shit.


BigFoot175 t1_j1cx1fz wrote

Obviously not making excuses for anything the National Socialist German Workers Party or their leadership did (except build the foundations of modern animal welfare laws for much of the Western world), but I do have to ponder... Why Socialism regarded as a left-wing ideology until you mix it with Nationalism? The whole left-right paradigm is based around economics, with the right side being more about free markets and people/enterprises retaining most of their money so they can choose where and how to spend it, while the left side sees the state control money and the markets and so forth, in theory providing far more services to its constituents than a right-leaning government would. All forms of Socialism, National or otherwise, are by necessity authoritarian because people want to keep the money they've worked hard for, so Socialist governments need some way of enforcing the high tax rates necessary to fund their spending.