BestOfSlaanesh t1_ixmnxvv wrote
Reply to comment by Nakorite in TIL the oldest cat ever lived to 38 years and 3 days - 1967 to 2005. by TrevorIsTheGOAT
There might be something about the diet he's giving them that extends their longevity. It's probably worth researching.
BestOfSlaanesh t1_ixy814o wrote
Reply to TIFU By breaking my roommates trust by the worst way possible. by Throwawayaccttifu
Those feelings are unpleasant because they're meant to spur you to ask her out. You're probably already too late on the uptake but better late than never. You definitely don't want to end up as the guy sobbing while their "best friend" who's also their love interest fucks another guy and you can hear them going at it. If she can't handle your true feelings then she wasn't much of a friend to begin with, only an egomaniac who loves the attention you give her.