
BassAnd312 t1_je89xjr wrote

(I have never posted here but frankly I adore this plot and feel like the other submissions were a so here goes. ahem)

I always liked my privacy. Ever since I was first brought into this world of chaos and confusion, humans scrambling about with their fleeting little lives, their horses and buggies-wait no, their, blast what do they call them? Cars! Yes their cars and bills and so many things to do. I take short trips to certain locals of interest here and there, but never committed to staying. One of the perks of being so old and secretive is not having to deal with, ugh, cults. Honestly I have no idea how my brother deals with it. The ancient one who sleeps, hah, he barely catches a wink with all that noise.

But one day I heard a whisper, just the faintest voice in the back of my skull.

"Please, take her to be your bride almighty Shighoran, please, bless us with your wisdom in exchange for our only daughter".

what in the thirteen circles? I think to myself. It has been an awfully long time since I had heard what they call a prayer, I thought I kept my name away from text or memory. "Ah well, it is a rather slow week, may as well humor them" I say aloud. "Let's see who 'she' is".

With a cloud of black, scentless smoke I began to assume a smaller version of my true form. They went to the trouble of summoning me after all, may as well give them what the asked for. As the two humans shrank back in a not-so-small bit of fear, I flexed my spiked appendages, and wiggled my tentacles in order to form a single question in what the humans call English. "WHY HAVE YOU SUMMONED ME MORTALS?"

The two who had summoned me were on their knees at the edge of the glyphs, and they swallowed as they gathered courage to face me. "We-we humbly offer our only daughter to you. We wish to learn the secrets of the old ways! Please, teach us and have our child as a bride to do as you see fit with!"

Upon their request one of my hundreds of eyes turned to the corner they had just gestured at, and there sat a small, shaking human. A...blast this infernal tongue...a girl? No more than her adolescent years. The cogs in my vast and ancient mind began to turn as I realized what they meant. I stayed silent for a few moments, a plan coming to mind.

"VERY WELL. AWAIT HERE AS I ENSURE SHE SURVIVES THE TRIP". With that echoing command, I point a finger at the small quivering one and phase us both back to my lair, a cabin, only a mile or two outside of the city she currently lived in. Upon arrival, my spikes were gone, tentacles retracted into a short but bushy beard, my only eyes blue and twinkling.

The girl looked up with me, almost unspeakable fear in her gaze regardless of my form, but she did not run. Rather brave for her age I must say. Applying my powers of elder speech, and having a human voice to match, I gently reach out a hand to help her stand. "Fear not. This may be a false form, but the elders are unable to lie". As I say this she hesitates a moment, but grabs my hand and brings herself to her feet.

"Listen, I haven't the smallest idea why or how those humans found my name, but I am not like the other gods. I do not care for betrothal or companionship, but I am not malevolent". The child seemed unsure so I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, trying to simplify my intent.

"What I mean to say is, you are not my bride. You are not my prisoner. If you want, you may live here, with me. I will watch over you, and anything your heart desires, you may have. I know some pretty big people in the world of the old ones, I can pull a favor here or there", I say with a wink. For the first time, the girl spoke.

"I-I wouldn't mind some different clothes. Maybe some food?". Her voice was small and soft, but I was right about her being brave. I chuckle and hold my hand flat in front of her. Instead of the black smoke, a gorgeous dazzle of light began to form into something I knew humans covet, something certainly impossible for her previous guardians to acquire. A credit card, with a limit so large no human could live to see the end of zeroes.

"This is yours. Until you feel safe, I will accompany you when you wish to buy things. When you can take care of it yourself, you may use it as you please. I may not be a fully fledged God, but knowing who my older brother is...let us say no one will question you", I say with another wink and what was-perhaps-not the best impression of a human chuckle, pointing to the tentacles face on the back of the card.

"No one can harm you so long as you possess this. Not your caregivers, and not other dieties". "B-but, why are you being so nice to me Mr...?". "Call me Shiggy", I say, "I like to keep my name out of the history books, much less tedious than being constantly hounded haha". My laugh is getting better I must admit. "Now, there is plenty of food in my kitchen, and a change of clothes in the room I just added, which is yours by the way". I slap my forehead in a joking fashion, "How rude, I didn't even ask your name! What is it, little one?".

"It's-it's Ally Mr. Shiggy".

"Allie, how lovely", I say with a warm smile. "Anyways, I do have one thing to do so please, eat up, make yourself at home, and I shall return shortly".

"'re going to see my parents again aren't you? Please don't change your mind", she squeaks out, tears forming in her eyes.

"I wouldn't dream of it little one", I assure her, "I'm simply giving them the reward they sought, a deal is a deal after all!" With one last smile I vanish into a puff of smoke, and reappear where I was summoned, in human form.

"Lord Shighoran, is that you? Did you accept pur sacrifice?".

Mortals. So pathetic. So easily corrupted. I smile, but something about the points of my teeth seems to have thrown them off. "indeed, it is I. Now then, you wished to have knowledge of the old ones, yes?".

"Please, yes, we beg of you to share it with us!".

"OH very well. The first thing you shall learn from me, the eater of dreams, sibling of the one who sleeps in the dark, ALMIGHTY BRINGER OF WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE" (my brother would get a kick out of my theatrics I must say) "IS..."...

They waited, holding their breath. These miserable two who would sacrifice their own flesh and blood, so excited to learn secrets only we possess. Willing to give up one who they should have sworn to protect, given their lives for if need be. These two were begging for my secrets, and so I shall share.

"Human skin makes for the most excellent book covers. And I have two novels that need rebound".

Edited to make the ending a smidgen more clear.