
BasileusLeoIII t1_j5ommb2 wrote

> When I was a student at temple all the discourse was about how Temple students were hurting the community and destroying the neighborhood.

hate this so much

Temple is by far the largest employer of "locals" in the region, is the only bastion of safety and cleanliness, and does an enormous amount to ""give back"" to the community that hates it despite "taking" nothing in the first place


BasileusLeoIII t1_j0hxy1g wrote

Your ambient light sensor is located on the inside front-most part of the dash right next to the air vent on the left side where the window windshield meets the dash.

There's a small quarter sized dome shaped light sensor.

You can test and verify by covering/closing with the light in Auto mode.


BasileusLeoIII t1_j06s0us wrote

> no politician will engage with the traffic safety issue because it has "low ideological salience." In other words, terrible drivers come from all political tribes and so you can't make a wedge issue/culture war out of it.

we're in a single party city. It's hard to demonize a political outgroup as the source of our issues with any intellectual honesty.

This line of political thinking makes perfect sense in larger elections, but we don't have an opposing tribe to hate here


BasileusLeoIII t1_iyl2vne wrote

Read your lease for what it says about notice for landlord (or landlord's agent) to enter the property. Don't open your door for for anyone you aren't expecting, and don't permit him or his agents to enter without proper notice. Consider what tool you will use to defend if he follows through with his threat.


BasileusLeoIII t1_ixityv6 wrote

> but I have had a deep hatred of him ever since that temple kid got killed last year. Fucking idiot let a violent, uncontrollable 17 year old back onto the streets for no reason.

I'm sorry, which are you talking about? Off the top of my head I know two violent criminals that Krasner let walk, who immediately murdered a Temple kid.

Are you talking about the Krasner Kid who murdered Milan Loncar, or the Krasner Kid who murdered Sam Collington?


BasileusLeoIII t1_ixifory wrote

or for aggravated assault (which is assault with a deadly weapon)??

why the fuck are violent criminals so frequently not prosecuted or underprosecuted?

This is exactly what Krasner promised he wouldn't do when he pitched his progressive prosecution experiment, but we have how many dozens of easy examples of the Krasner Kids committing heinous crimes after he released them for their prior violent crimes?


BasileusLeoIII t1_iwrllyl wrote

> Yeah people wanna claim philly but don't live there or deal with philly problems, it just sounds cool to them.

do you think this is the likely motivation?

Or do you think it's just a lot easier to say "I'm from Philly" rather than explaining what Bryn Mawr is and how you commute from there into Philly for work, or giving them a word salad mouthful about the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area


BasileusLeoIII t1_iuo8cl6 wrote

> This is the land of opportunity but so is Singapore and Dubai

You can see that OP's name is Hannah - but you're so eager to try to dunk on America that you'd suggest she move to Dubai, in a country where she literally needs a male guardian's permission to work?

cringiest reddit moment I've ever seen

sincerely, get a fucking clue


BasileusLeoIII t1_iumkq59 wrote

Yeah that's the point bozo, you can't.

The median person's wages in the US are $23k higher than the median Frenchman's. Subtracting a generous 10k for the healthcare estimates of the above user, the same worker earns $13k more in the US every year.

We don't have the ability to just ask for raises that high; this is why the US is the most popular immigration destination in the world. Because its people are quite significantly wealthier, due to their higher wages and lower cost of goods.

Naïve of you to not read or understand any of the above conversation, interject with an irrelevant point and personal insult, and think that you've made a compelling point.