
BaronSamedys t1_j21chtf wrote

Ever since the lockdown began, I've been telling the wife that the hypothetical lost earnings of covid would be recouped through price increases after the fact. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I wouldn't be surprised if the gas and oil sociopaths made a deal with Putin to start a war so they could inflate prices and masquerade the increase behind the facade of a war. They'll pay him a fuckton of money, and he might even get to expand his territory in the name of being a complete wanker. It's a win-win for all those involved at the expense of everybody else.

It's probably more complicated, but I just wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. All things come down to money, one way or another.

The next one will be the hypothetical lost earnings of renewable energy that need to be recouped before the tap is potentially cut-off forever.

These rats are gonna rape us for every ruble they can run away with.