
Bakanyanter t1_jab46h5 wrote

>If you think collapse is secondary to growth your shit is gonna get rocked by the next 20-30 years.

Life in luxury for 30 years is better than shit in 60 years...but I am not pessimistic like you. We figured out Ozone hole and covered it up and recovered it, we will figure out a way to sustain ourselves. My home is almost fully solar powered, my nation is on its way to be carbon neutral by 2070, etc.


Bakanyanter t1_jaau1uh wrote

>My entire point is that NO ONE should be living this high consumption lifestyle, but your point is that EVERYONE should.

Then you should complain about the west having X airports already instead of complaining about India building 80 more.

>Your way, everyone dies.

No, maybe we fuck up the environment very badly but we'll find a way to live. We're tenacious fucks.

>Also, you don't seem to understand that even green growth is an ecological disaster.

So you are indeed advocating for developing countries to stop developing. Sorry but not going to happen. Climate change is important but secondary compared to growth.

Obviously you are right in the sense that if tomorrow everyone stops living high maintenance life then the earth would be much better off but developing nations are simply not going to stop developing.


Bakanyanter t1_jaam46e wrote

>I'm simply stating a fact that developing countries developing will doom the world. >The US, Europe etc already living with air travel, heating/cooling, cars, meat-rich diets, high-consumption etc has caused this much damage

The US and Europe live in luxury with air travel, AC everywhere, many cars like you said but even the developing countries have to bear the brunt of climate change as well. So why should only the west live comfortably? Do you think the ozone hole formed in Africa and Antarctica was because of people in Antarctica? Obviously no, countries have had bad environmental effects in other countries since long time now.

>how do you think the world will fare with 8 billion living at that level? The answer is total systems collapse.

I agree, but that doesn't mean we stop uplifting people. It only means that we should experiment and keep researching new technologies that reduce our impact on developing while developing. For example, China is still going to create 300+ nuclear plants, and is the leader in green energy capacity developed per year.

If you are so concerned about development and environment, there is an easy way if you are EU/America. Just reduce your development and go back to 1970s, but obviously they won't reduce airports or their ACs or whatever, they are already used to it.


Bakanyanter t1_j6hameq wrote

The US is acting neutral in India vs Pakistan by supplying weapons and aid to both sides.

But it is expecting India to act pro-US in the US vs Russia when India is neutral.

To me, it seems the US is expecting far too much for offering far too little. And also anyway, most of the US things you mentioned there were bought by India (as in it was traded, not aided).