
BadAtNameIdeas t1_jebk67t wrote

Assuming they mean you can be “dead” but resuscitated immediately. It makes a great story and technically it’s a true statement, but you don’t get a death certificate for your heart stopping for 10 seconds. You are only recorded as dead once.


BadAtNameIdeas t1_ja9npv9 wrote

His solo work is very interesting. He also does unique concerts. I heard that in one tour he didn’t make a set list, he would try to DJ it by feeling the vibe of the crowd, start playing a song and expect the band to just catch on and join in quickly lol. I forgot what documentary I watched where it mentioned that.


BadAtNameIdeas t1_j5rzzuu wrote

I had an ankle surgery in 2015, and it was supposed to be a 1 hour surgery tops. Well, there were complications, and my surgery ended up taking nearly 10 hours (one of the bones in my foot was so brittle that it literally shattered, which was just one of several problems my doc filled me in on). After a 3 night hospital stay, I go home. I paid a total of $2500 thanks to ridiculously amazing insurance (I worked at one of the big banks at the time). I later get the EOB (explanation of benefits) from my insurance company explaining how much they paid for the services, and it was almost $200K between my doctor, multiple visits from the anesthesiologist, hospital fees, 3 nights stay, and the best damn pain killers to exist on the market at the time.


BadAtNameIdeas t1_ixq4w6t wrote

In response to the person that I commented to, a participation trophy is exactly what it would feel like -“it would bring so much joy to these people, even if they lose every match”. Also, the qualifying for the World Cup is a years long process, wherein every country that’s eligible can compete to qualify. It’s not exclusive, it’s earned to be there.
