
AtheismoAlmighty t1_itlq95e wrote

You can keep putting words in my mouth all you want. All I've ever done was point out that the show has only presented a small fraction of the story so far.

You seen to labor under the idea that I feel the need to defend the quality of the show - I don't. People can hate it or love it, I don't care. All I've done is point out an objective truth which is that there's a lot more story to be told.


AtheismoAlmighty t1_itlm89j wrote

You inferred (incorrectly), I didn't imply any such thing.

There are plenty of people who haven't read the book and still enjoy the show despite having no idea what percentage of the story has been told.

In other words, you need to have read the books to know we're in act 1. You don't need to know that we're in act 1 to appreciate the story that's been told so far.


AtheismoAlmighty t1_itlh1l4 wrote

>You make it sound like a 10 hour act 1 where "all the good stuff will happen later, we promise."

Because that's the reality. Like, you know it's based on a book, right? Meaning anyone who's read it can easily see how few chapters were used to make season 1. It is very much act 1.