
ArtistWhoStarves t1_j5poq48 wrote

I can understand both sides on this, but either side saying "not even close" is purely asinine behaviour. I'm in the breaking bad camp, but I can fully understand why anyone would say the sopranos is better. They have great arguments.


ArtistWhoStarves t1_j3nzxb2 wrote

He's not like a vontez burfict, Anthony Barr, or n. Suh type player. These are absolutely stupid moves on his part. He know it and feels terrible. Poor reactions in the situations. I'm sure he'll seek therapy and figure it out. If you saw him in the tunnel he was berating himself. He was in pain. I know that look because I've had it when I made a dumb impulsive decision. Hindsight is 20/20, he just needs to slow his mind and think before he reacts.

Edit: a Lotta people living in glass houses on here. Acting like he punched a guy. Was it stupid? Absolutely. But he didn't actually hurt anyone. He wasn't head hunting, stomping on people, or kicking anyone in the nuts. He got shoved and he pushed them. He's not mentally disciplined, and he knows it. I can def get behind a 3 game suspension, but acting like he is this cheap dirty player who is a bad person, you sound like a moron.
