AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_jdybu18 wrote
Reply to comment by BasicConsultancy in [OC] Percentage of People in Poverty by State Using 3-Year Average: 2019, 2020, and 2021 (Supplemental Poverty Measure) by FlyingSquirlez
Rich on the coasts. Inland? I'm from Alabama and drove through some parts of the Inland Empire where I thought I was cruising through Wilcox County.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_jb3e6rp wrote
I just don't understand the allegiance to the Catholic church.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j9f0kis wrote
Reply to Are there any books that you actually would want to see figuratively or literally burned? by [deleted]
Well, House of The Seven Gables. Not because it was particularly controversial, but because it was several hours of my life I'd never get back again.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j76skz8 wrote
Reply to [Image] The happiest people don’t have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything they have. by brotherkfh
It took me a long, long time in life to realize that happiness is mostly a decision.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j72gx3n wrote
Reply to comment by Shaveyourbread in Website that lists all of North America's Groundhog Day “groundhogs”, forecasts, and where they are from. by MisterPaulCraig
We watched that last night! One of the few perfect movies ever made.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6o9btm wrote
Reply to comment by Materias in LPT: You will not remember it later. Write it down now. by [deleted]
Aside from the obvious such as meeting notes, I keep a running To-Do list, crossing things off as I do them. I also am a writer, so random notes that I later type into documents and the what not.
There are just times when you can't whip out your phone and type things in. Plus, I believe that the physical act of writing tends to imprint things in your brain more readily
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6mvljy wrote
Reply to comment by Utterlybored in LPT: You will not remember it later. Write it down now. by [deleted]
I do that a lot. Especially in airport parking decks so that I remember the level and area where I parked. Saves a lot of misery when you're returning home late after a long business trip.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6mveq8 wrote
I always keep a small notebook with me. I was a little self-conscious about it at first and thought it was goofy. But it's crazy how many things I remember simply because I take the time to write it down.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6mshex wrote
Reply to comment by MyDogThinksISmell in Classic literature that’s also very readable. by MinxyMyrnaMinkoff
The Thin Man is one of my favorites. Nick and Nora are hilarious.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6ms3b3 wrote
I think anything by Jane Austen remains remarkably readable today.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6mrfju wrote
I liked how they avoided a bullshit ending where Hanks and Hunt got back together at the end. Instead, she stayed with her husband--who also recognized and respected his wife's feelings at the awful tragedy that had taken place. In other words, actual mature adults doing mature things in a terrible situation.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j6gl7jo wrote
You mean after last weeks game, they didn't just fire him in the parking lot?
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j58mgbg wrote
Reply to comment by kungpaocheese in A study of lights at night suggests dictators lie about economic growth by im11btw
Except most of those 65 million housing units are either a) Incomplete or b) falling apart due to maintenance. Just astounding malinvestment.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j57zzq0 wrote
Reply to comment by r2k-in-the-vortex in A study of lights at night suggests dictators lie about economic growth by im11btw
The problem is that they are borrowing money based on their propaganda, not based on their reality. Ugly things are beginning to happen in the Chinese economy. The fact that they've built 65 million housing units that will sit empty forever because there's not enough population to buy them should tell you everything you need to know.
AnybodySeeMyKeys OP t1_j4ec6eg wrote
Reply to comment by iskin in LPT: Clean the kitchen while you cook. by AnybodySeeMyKeys
There's a sink RIGHT THERE.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j3zm4g3 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in [Image] I’ve been there so I’m just sharing for whoever needs to see this today. by conversingwithoceans
Cynicism isn't a sign of sophistication and knowledge. It's a sign of laziness and fear.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_j2az0ex wrote
You're making headway, doing the common sense things. If you want to get there faster, moonlight by waiting tables a couple of nights a week. That's what I did.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_itunw9f wrote
Over the course of his career, a doctor who performed circumcisions collected every foreskin he ever lopped off. As he neared retirement, he wanted something as a keepsake.
So one day, he takes a giant jar filled with foreskins to a leather worker. After the leather worker's initial shock, he asked the doctor what he wanted. "I don't know. Just make me something. Surprise me."
When the doctor comes back two weeks later, the leather worker disappears into the back and returns to the counter carrying a wallet.
"A wallet? That's it? Thirty years of circumcisions and all you have to show for it is a wallet?"
"Yeah. But if you rub it, it turns into a briefcase."
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_ir28jms wrote
Reply to How to Live In A World That Makes No F*cking Sense: Nietzsche and the Search for Superhuman Laughter by simsquatched
I think the world makes perfect sense as long as you understand it as it truly is rather than mold it to a particular worldview.
We are undergoing a convulsive few years as the world's globalized economic order shatters due to the pressures of aging demographics. China is going over a demographic and economic cliff, Russia is disintegrating before our eyes, and Europe is aging rapidly. Once you understand the larger forces at work, then understanding the world isn't necessarily impossible.
AnybodySeeMyKeys t1_jecnk6o wrote
Reply to local chic fil a with some casual cannibalism by Larrymentalboy
Great place to work. But lots of turnover.