
AntiqueSoulll t1_irczj7v wrote

According to descriptions and FR graphs these can be the solution of my "open back, with good sub-bass yet spacious sound Headphone" search.

But lots of reviewers are throwing shades on them. They say it is not as spacious as DT990. They cut 10 db of outside noise. Semi-open esque. That stopped me. Because I already have Tygr300r.

Also because of the filter material they used in order to control high treble peaks made them less detailed muffled (according to those reviewers)

People say they are so flat, they lack the energy of classic Beyer signature.

DMS, Andrew from etc.

So I am kinda in the middle. If they are not as good as dt990, Tygr300r, dt1990, I need to spent my money somewhere else.

But I really want to hear them. Tygr 300r was really good but mid frequencies were scooped-recessed too much for my taste.

These tick all the boxes. I hope you liked them. What are your experiences, observations with them so far ?