
AnotherWeekendWasted t1_j9uz5lu wrote

Great review. I'll chime in and say that for those prioritizing musicality/timbre/warm tonality, the Edition XS will not be your cup of tea. In terms of staging/resolution/PRaT, the Edition XS is fantastic in my view.

A stock Edition XS will not provide the same intimate, musical engagement factor for certain genres that are vocal/acoustic-centered the same way an HD6x0 will for example. However, for electronic/pop/guitar-centered music, the Edition XS has been an amazing addition to the rotation.


AnotherWeekendWasted t1_j1vwo16 wrote

Been a few years, but I recall the Vmoda M100 having one of the absolute best sound signatures for EDM and hip hop. Bass heavy with some tasteful sparkle up top to keep things exciting, it's definitely a headphone worthy of being in the permanent rotation for closed backs.

The DT 700 Pro X will have a more versatile sound signature and is more resolving. Both are built incredibly well. Comfort will have to go to the DT 700 Pro X, but if one opts for the XL pads for the Vmodas it narrows down to just a slight edge in favor of the beyers.

Both are amazing headphones!


AnotherWeekendWasted t1_j1v2f1p wrote

As an audiophile of 10+ years, I've had the upgradeitis itch every time I get new headphones. However, the DT700 Pro X, in my opinion, is a type of endgame closed back for the right user. The sound quality itself is decent to good, more of a sidegrade and cousin to the original DT770 (80ohm version) than a direct upgrade depending on preference. However, the build quality, comfort, and design improvements are very apparent and substantial. After the initial break-in period, I've been able to wear these headphones for 8+ hours at work with no issues whatsoever. I'd rank these headphones as B tier sound quality with S tier amenities, and I'll probably never sell them because of what they do so well. If you can get the DT700 Pro X for ~$180ish B-stock they are well worth the premium. Otherwise, the DT770 is still to this day an incredible value for what you're getting, and can be XLR modded and found for cheap on secondhand sites.