
AndreasBerthou t1_j6vlwth wrote

I was merely mentioning the fact that pigs are found to be the same intelligence levels as toddlers. So since pigs (and by extention toddlers) are clearly sub-human intelligence, what's the stance on killing them? Your argument was based on intelligence level being the deciding factor in what's allowed to be killed.

The right to kill something isn't determined by the hunter's or the hunted's brain development, it's something decided by humans (as morbid as it is).


AndreasBerthou t1_j6vkvb7 wrote

They're a herd animal, so it's either kill the pod or none. They're killed pretty much instantly as the people doing it knows what they're doing. I don't see how this is any different than fishing (which you can also paint to be some brutal suffocation of fish due to keeping them above water, but doesn't change the fact that it's a way of gathering food).

So please, without using pathos: Explain to me how this is barbaric and vile, since you're clearly an expert after 10 minutes of Wikipedia browsing and a handful of Sea Shepherd videos.


AndreasBerthou t1_itwnb9f wrote

You can only fish in the lakes if you have a license. You can fish in the sea without restrictions. You can not bring fishing equipment that isn't unopened (to prevent introduction of foreign diseases). Individual people own the different open lands, so you can't just go camping or hiking wherever you'd like. They use the land for their sheep. There's some (read: a lot) specific hiking routes you can hike on without restrictions, and some you have to pay for (the one in OP requires payment for upkeep since it's crazy popular). Hope that clears it up a little bit