
AnApexBread OP t1_iu6mvbr wrote

Lightbringer felt night and day different from Night Angel to the point where I also wanted to write a post comparing just the two.

There's a lot of the same tropes but I think Weeks learned to let his characters breath a bit before they become ungodly powerful. I'm Night Angel 1 Asoph becomes powerful by the 3/4th mark and then has 2 more books where he's still that powerful.

I think perhaps the biggest difference though is the world. I really liked the magic system and world of Lightbringer way more than the Night Angel.

Book 1 (The Black Prism) is easily the best of the saga and definitely worth your time.


AnApexBread OP t1_iu2bzk2 wrote

I agree although I feel like Asoph had a bit more impact in the final events then Kip did. Kips contribution was basically to be a big shiny light so Gavin could come save the day.

Yes he operated the glare for a short while but it ultimately didn't have a huge effect on the fight


AnApexBread OP t1_iu0up0d wrote

>I wanna mention that I think Aliviana's (Liv's) story arc wasn't believable enough in the later books.

Yea. Liv's story went a bit sideways, same with Tia.

There was so much more that I wanted to talk about like the Spectrum council, soul casting, the Blackguard, The White, black and white Luxan, etc.

The book is just overflowing with great ideas but it really fell off at the end.


AnApexBread OP t1_iu0fakx wrote

I like the Night Angel trilogy overall but I have some complaints about it. Mainly how the main character becomes ungoly powerful at the end of the first book and that leave almost no progression for the next two books.

And I hated pretty much ever scene with Dollgirl.