
AffectionateWheel386 t1_jaeqq9b wrote

In regard to the hymen, it is a lot more complicated. You are absolutely correct, but it’s not as simple as you’re making it seem. Different people have them different sizes some Harden as they get older there’s all kinds of variables but you’re right it’s not as clear cut as I was always taught. There’s something else.

The first time vaginal sex can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but that’s absolutely normal and that is taken from a medical site. Some women may even bleed during the first time in sex. Which goes to my point, which is what this young woman was talking about which is the first time is usually painful for most women. I have never met a woman that said it wasn’t so you are very lucky and good for you .

Also, thank you because I lost my virginity so long ago I didn’t pay any attention and I had boys, so I never had to deal with it. So you learn something every day. But the home is a lot more complicated than you’re making it and it does stretch across from some women, but most women you’re right it doesn’t go all the way across the vagina. Which explains why you can use tampons most women, one and 200 count by the way thank you again.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jaeiz93 wrote

Suicide is pretty severe, and then my experience poly relationships are exactly that. It gives one person in this case I believe your boyfriend, the ability to go outside of the relationship, whenever and wherever with whomever he wants I wish you the best of luck. Please take care of yourself and I’m gonna tell you it’s not worth it. These relationships never developed into a deep and meaningful abiding love


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jae79r6 wrote

Just so you know, in my experience of which is way too long to talk about I know that people Bragg a lot do so because it’s not true. It’s like building up their own self-esteem. So I would agree with you. I don’t think he can really do that.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jae71ck wrote

If you want to have sex, it’s a necessity. And we all went through it anybody that’s a girl that ever had sex went through it. It hurts the first for me a little bit the second time and then no more and it’s better than fingers.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jae5mcx wrote

I know you want friends, but let go of this friend group there’s racist as anything. They are not your friends friends don’t behave like that find friends in a different way. When I first went out on my own, and I was very young I had all kinds of friends find. I had old people, friends, young people, all kinds of diversity as I was in a big city. And I was happy with them.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jae4ocf wrote

Personally, even though the age difference is only 10 years, this man is grooming you. I don’t believe on your own that you want to have other partners I think you want to fall in love and be with the person you love. And I think some of your distress is because he is pushing you so that he can cheat when he’s gone and make it legal so you have to deal with it. You need to get out of this relationship. Your suicidal thoughts though probably have origins in other things previously are due to stress of living in a way you don’t really want to live. And I’m not sure if you’re even aware of it.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jae24ni wrote

Well, I didn’t get that, but she’s still a little catty without all of the other stuff. You’re just the more mature one. I still think it may be about her own self-esteem and competitiveness also. Like somehow you’re gonna outshine her. It’s actually really negative.

I would have a talk with her though I don’t know that she’s gonna completely understand or admit where she’s coming from. Since your friend she might though, and it’s worth it.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jae0unp wrote

She’s a little caddy, a little young, and a little competitive. All of her opinions of oh, it’s impossible to buy a house. No no it’s not people do it every day. But then you know that just don’t let her affect you she’s young and she’s basing it also on her own stuff like my stuff is great we’re building a camper so we can travel. It’s just immaturity and maybe competitiveness. It would be like you saying well you’re just young right now when you get older, you’ll understand the value of the house. She’s talking to you like that but from her perspective.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jae0f0w wrote

I appreciate your culture and your references to let us know where you were. However, you did break her heart, and in the United States most people do not see Black people marrying white people as colonization. It’s a very old and provincial ideal. But understandable because you’re African. So at this point, there’s really nothing that you can do your a married man now, so leave her alone do not be friends with her and just be polite colleagues within your friend group.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_jadf6wi wrote

OK that makes more sense. I’m of a mine were you may need to start making other friends. Do you have other people to go to that are outside of the group.

You can still say we broke up because he cheated and leave it at that. Because when you don’t do that you’re not even sticking up for yourself, you’re protecting his needs over your own. And he already did that. I had a group in my 20s like that to an eventually I just moved away from them. To nine own self be true.


AffectionateWheel386 t1_j2eo41z wrote

Some of this stuff I read hear unread it is sort of malarkey. Since the beginning of time people that issues with different things, traumas with different things. They still had sex. In a relationship with two adult sex is an important component. If your little beetles are the same, that’s OK then but in this case clearly, it’s not. I would sit down and have a long talk with her, and either compromise, or decide to go your separate ways.