
Aes_Should_Die t1_iyn82wq wrote

Young people started showing again in 2018. But yes, young people do not realize the power they wield and as a result often stay home and let old people pick the politicians. One good thing about Trump era is that the populace seems to realize they need to get out and vote or they risk losing free society. Yes, this society is far from perfect, but it is so much better than what it could be if the wrong people take and keep power


Aes_Should_Die t1_iydnv0e wrote

I though the clock reset if you did not get a dui for 10 years? And back in 1999, that clock was 7 years. I know because I got a DUI in 2000 and then got a second in 2007 and on the second I had to deal with a lot of what you dealt with. Except I was sentenced to 3 months in jail and they let me use 28 days of that on rehab. So you may have gotten off lucky. Never did drink and drive again after that though.


Aes_Should_Die t1_ix1q9xa wrote

Pittsburgh was founded a generation before the American revolution. Sure, there were parts of the state that would not be founded for another 100 years because of the mountains. The railroads and a hunger for coal and steel mostly fixed that.

Also, I’d not quite say that it’s State College, Pittsburgh, Erie and nothin. It’s not as well settled as what is around Philly for sure. But millions of people live in the went side of the state, even if their coal and steel hubs took a hit in the past couple generations.


Aes_Should_Die t1_ix1pl3d wrote

Because Lancaster is in the east. They had better be Philly fans. The divide is usually what is generally east and west of State College. Though in the northeast of the state there are some Cleveland/Buffalo sports fans. I imagine the northeast has some NYC fan exclaves itself.


Aes_Should_Die t1_iwgpu1e wrote

Depends on how rural. The exurban areas have hospitals that are maybe not good enough to a maybe a planned major surgery, but are good for most else. But if you need some heavy duty healthcare I’d say Pittsburgh and probably Philly are your best bets. I’m sure the other major cities in the east and Erie are fine too as honestly there are hospitals in the rather small cities that can handle most things.

Also how well our coverage is? Only other state I have lived in is WV and I can say it’s much better than there. But idk how it compares against ÇA. We do use our federal assistance. So I guess that’s a plus.


Aes_Should_Die t1_iw3xiit wrote

There is one of those in my parents neighborhood. Like it’s a permanent structure. I thought it was a makeshift winter bus stop for kids at first. The guy must have been told he cannot have abusive language on it because you can tell he covered swear words about Biden with these little metal signs that have some insane diatribe on each