
AdditionalRabbit4516 t1_j28jhq8 wrote

That’s why I said “related” and not “caused by,” since we don’t know the exact causal mechanism. But beta amyloid PET imaging is used to make Alzheimer’s diagnoses because levels do correspond to severity, for the most part. I work in neurology research.

Edit: also the article you’re referencing really only proved one lab was completely corrupt and shady. There are DOZENS of other b amyloid labs (and subtypes) and quite literally HUNDREDS of preclinical studies whose b amyloid work is supported, which is why clinical trials keep going that direction. Unfortunately they fail. There isn’t some big conspiracy to NOT cure AD. The Science article claiming otherwise was really really sensationalist. But I agree we don’t have a handle on it right now, and other therapeutics are needed.


AdditionalRabbit4516 t1_j268mbx wrote

Alzheimer’s is known to be related to a specific protein in the brain that affects a very certain area first, and has classic symptoms, like memory loss.

Another kind of dementia is caused by chronic high blood pressure and mini brain strokes, causing lots of little spots where the tissue has died. This could range from mild to severe and look different for everyone, but it’s called “multi-infarct” because the cause is known to be infarcts.

Other dementias could be from injury, or viral infections, or autoimmunity, such as MS. Other people have mild or slower advancing dementia, where the cause is not known. Imaging and blood tests could come back normal but we call it dementia because of cognitive or mood changes reported by family and seen on neuro cognitive testing.

Side note: neuro cognitive testing can tell us if a person’s deficits are in executive function, memory, multitasking, language, etc.


AdditionalRabbit4516 t1_iu3ody7 wrote

Think about why / when you do it. Write it down. Write down why you would like to stop. Write down what benefits would come with stopping.

When you’re about to start biting, or catch yourself biting, take a big deep breath. Put your hands away. Keep breathing. You’ll see you CAN stop. And after doing this for just a short time (I’d give it about 3-4 days), your skin and fingernails will look so much healthier, hurt less, you’ll realize how germy it is when you do put them back in your mouth, you’ll feel proud working toward your goal etc etc.

First couple days will be the hardest and then it’s smooth sailing. If you find yourself doing it again, be nice to yourself and try again :)