AITHASNTEEN t1_j6f7j1k wrote

Do you now support the annexation of Crimea

Which time? 1954 or 2014? One was legal under international law, one was not.

Either way, both are poor parallels to the situation in a Golan Heights. A more relevant comparison is how I feel about the Soviet Union taking control of Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland and eastern Germany after WWII.

I feel that the Allies were more than justified in taking territory from the Axis. And that it was done in accordance with international law.


AITHASNTEEN t1_j6e8pvd wrote


And when you wage war and lose, you don't always get to keep your territory.

The Ottomans lost WW1 and Britain took Palestine and France took Syria.

The Syrians lost the 6 Day War and Israel took Golan.

By 1967, Syria should have known that Israel would keep any territory that it gained in war. And they chose to roll the dice.


AITHASNTEEN t1_j6dizvh wrote

No problem:

The Golan Heights (where this occurred) is considered Syrian land occupied by Israel because there has been no formal end to the war and therefore no treaty.

Israel gained control of the Golan Heights during the 6 Day War (1967). Meaning Israel has controlled Golan for 55 years. Syria only controlled it for 20 years.

The occupation of Golan isn't covered by the media the same as the occupation of the West Bank. Largely because the Druze who live in Golan are content.


AITHASNTEEN t1_j6dh5xq wrote

As far as warring nations go, Israel and Syria are fairly decent to one another.

Israel accepted civilian casualties of the Syrian civil war for medical treatment in Israel.

Israel has world class medical facilities and is a destination for medical tourists. Syria has a crippled healthcare system and very little capacity to transport critically injured patients to other parts of the Middle East.