
3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_jefahb2 wrote

Because it’s inflammatory and a broad brush stroke across a segment of our population that most of us have direct relationships with on a familial and friend level who we know don’t “not care about gun violence”. They do care. Everyone cares, but the Republicans have aligned to the NRA who have propagandized the concept that any restriction to guns, ammunition, and accessories is a direct assault on the Constitutional right outlined in Amendment number 2 and will be a slippery slope of an eventual undoing of that Amendment…but that furthermore and most importantly that the gun violence problem is not a “gun problem” but a societal problem or mental health problem and so by reducing access to guns and the above we are not effectively addressing gun violence. I AM NOT saying that I personally believe that stance but that’s the breakdown of the debate from their perspective, and if we the democrats want to continue to advocate for solutions we do the problem solving no favors by stating “Republicans don’t give a shit about gun violence”. It’s like the same thing as when Republicans tell us Democrats we want access to abortions so we can kill babies. It’s inflammatory, inaccurate, a mischaracterization of the democrat’s stance, and breaks down all communication related to problem solving.


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_jef8w6c wrote

Seriously, and like the vast majority of people/voters agree. It’s a small fraction of people who say shit like “Wellll ackshually you only work 10 months out of the year so you’re really getting paid [insert some salary higher than their actual take home]”.

And we don’t care what those ppl think because Teachers are criminally underpaid and have been underpaid since the beginning of time. VA is 33rd out of 50 states for teacher salaries relative to COL and the national median pay is probably already too low to begin with. It’s insane. Teachers are literally preparing people to be functional, intelligent and informed adults…why wouldn’t we be paying them like we do college educated military officers, or agency Directors and higher level staff? It’s not like they didn’t spend 6 years seeking a higher education degree along with constant certifications and adaptations to new learning methods and requirements.

Sorry, I’m just rambling…I’m not even a teacher…but they’re pretty fucking important people and I will never stop advocating.


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_jddiju9 wrote

Awesome! Now do Williamsburg between Stone, Gillies and over the train tracks between Fulton Gas Works and the abandoned dilapidated warehouse. They’re doing Main down that way but I don’t think they’re taking a turn onto Williamsburg. I request it through 311 every so often for good measure.

Glad for Goshen and the others getting their deserved and overdue attention all the same :)


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_j9yewkd wrote

Whenever I arrive at RIC, no matter the time of day, it rapidly turns into a ghost town after the bulk of passengers on my flight get their bags and get picked up. If it’s a late night arrival you can feel like you’re going to need to be the one who shuts off the lights and locks the door behind you when your ride shows up. It’s so quiet for a transportation hub. Also, speaking of hubs, we could have reliable, frequent, and easy public transportation between the airport and downtown, but nah…we aren’t gonna do that


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_j9yeg28 wrote

Your description of the experience really put me in the moment and I felt your mild desperation after you spent so many hours traveling. It’s like the perfect balance of mild annoyance that is amplified as a result of needless protocol (whatever prevented AA staff from just processing the bags right away).


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_j5vb968 wrote

Oh ya know, they put a big mirror there so the pedestrians and cars can see each other so problem solved!


And then on the other side of the coin it causes long backs down Broad and causes frustration, swerving in and out, and cutting off drivers ahead who are trying to slow down and stop to let pedestrians cross. VCU has plenty of fucking money they can and should build a pedestrian overpass or tunnel and work with the City and VDOT (who are literally across the street looking at this) on a viable solution…yesterday.


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_j52jtd4 wrote

There’s a glimpse of a couple of high rises traveling westwardly on Creighton road just before turning left onto Cedar Fork Road. Wouldn’t call it the skyline view but it’s somethin

Edit: actually I don’t think that’s the exact spot, it may be a tad bit east of that but I just can’t recall the exact side road…or maybe it is? Idk, it’s Creighton though i know that much


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_iyf8upo wrote

I recall when short pump and stony point opened their doors, and it may have been within the same year(?). Stony Point was clearly for the one percenters (haha) and Short Pump was a convergence of Regency and Chesterfield into one big super-mall that felt so much cooler and polished at the time. The Macys shoe department was my personal mecca for years. Also Short Pump always decks the freaking halls during Christmas and I love it.


3FoxInATrenchcoat t1_iy967e6 wrote

My incredibly friendly, people-loving herding dog mix suddenly and inexplicably nipped a jogger out of nowhere one day. She’s one of the best behaved dogs you’d ever meet-listens immediately, aims to please, very bright and calm. She had never displayed that behavior in her life, and at 7 years old, in a completely random moment, she went out of her way in an instant to nip the thigh of a jogger. She was off leash and I was inexcusably in the wrong. This was the thousandth time we had gone on an off-leash walk and probably the thousandth jogger she had ever passed, and for whatever reason she acted in an unpredictable and unprovoked manner. Thankfully the jogger needed nothing more than a tetanus shot and doxycycline, and even more thankfully he didn’t press any charges against me or call the police. I paid for his clinical care and RACC put her on a two week probation quarantine/house arrest. I’ll never again assume that my dog is not capable of unpredictable behavior again, or that I’m not beholden to the same laws as others.