
1dayAwayagain t1_ixx8nyn wrote

I think BPD does the best they can with what they're given. They're tremendously short staffed, have garbage equipment and garbage vehicles.

Officers in Baltimore respond to 20+ calls per shift, EACH. Many of which require reports. When you see two officers sitting next to each other, they may not even be conversing. They're likely writing (or at least starting) a report from the call they just left. Until the next call comes in, before they're done writing the report from the last one.

The vehicle situation also forces more than one officer per vehicle. For your situational awareness, most districts (of which there are 9) have four Sectors. Each sector has four posts. So each shift has at least 16 officers per district. If a sector only has 2 working patrol vehicles, that means two Posts have to ride together... Meaning only one call can be covered at a time for two posts.

It's hard for officers to proactively conduct traffic stops when they're busy working double or triple shootings. You can't expect miracles from overworked and under-supplied employees.

Edit: also worth noting, is they don't get paid shit. Baltimore is one of, if not THE, lowest paying jurisdictions in the area. Another reason why nobody wants to work there.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixpx6gy wrote

What the fuck is up with people not understanding BPD is not BCPD? Baltimore is not Baltimore County.

"I have no idea the context of this photo..." Proceeds to put their own narrative on it lmfao. What a time to be alive, everyone so full of ignorance.

The "MFing" crime rate is proof that Baltimore is trash, not that the PD is garbage.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixowyth wrote

It inhibits one's interest in self preservation, consistent with a fellow prisoners account of Mr. Gray intentionally bashing his head into the wall of the van numerous times.

Also, don't forget Ms Mosby is the one who a week prior requested increased drug enforcement in the area of North and Mount St...

What else you got, keyboard warrior?


1dayAwayagain t1_ixoo9dp wrote

No, she was the woman who illegally asked a random Major from the sheriff department to charge them, all the while lacking probable cause.

She lost in a few trials against them (miserably and embarrassingly, at that), and dumped the cases on the others because she realized she had no probable cause in the first place.

Thankfully, she wasn't able to ruin some officers lives to appease the rioters. Turns out, when you swallow a large amount of heroin to not get caught, it tends to increase the risk to your health.

Edit: if it helps you remember who she was, she's the one who was charged by the federal government for perjury and mortgage fraud so she could buy not one, but two vacation homes.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixnw7rj wrote

Ok I had assumed that part was obvious... You can't practice law without going to law school and passing the bar lol. I shouldn't have assumed.

You learn just enough getting a JD to embarrass yourself in front of a judge and/or jury. Litigation skills come from experience, not school. That's why the newbies start in District Court, and the talented ones start in Circuit Court.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixntzhx wrote

Law school is not experience. It's a school environment. That's like saying police officers know how to testify well on the stand because they went to a police academy. Not the case.

The original comment implied rapists (and other criminals) are let go. I'm attributing that to timid prosecution.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixnt5kl wrote

Nice try with the humble brag of law school. Sorry, law school isn't impressive. Actual experience is.

Yes, they don't teach stuff in law school about how some prosecutors are too scared to take something to trial if it's not a slam dunk case.

Now, run along back to District Court where you get your docket the morning of lol.


1dayAwayagain t1_ixnsitz wrote

They don't have enough officers for foot patrol AND patrol function lol. Imagine going to 20 911 calls for service in a single 10 hour shift. You think they got time to walk a beat? At least half those 20 calls require reports to be written.

God forbid they take a 10 minute break to relax in a park.