
175ParkAvenue t1_jeen6a8 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Alignment Issue by CMDR_BunBun

A rock also does not have wants and desires. And sure maybe you can make an AI that also does not have wants or desires. But it's not as useful as one that is autonomous and takes actions in the world to achieve some goals. So people will build the AI with wants or desires. Now, when the AI is much smarter than any human it will be very good at achieving goals. This is a problem for us, since we don't have a reliable way to specify some safe goal, and also we have no way to reliably induce some specific goal into an AI. In addition there are strong instrumental pressures on a powerful AI to decieve and use any means to obtain more power and eliminate any possible threats.


175ParkAvenue t1_j243xed wrote

I can't find anything online about UBI currently being implemented in the UK or even there being any plans to do so.

Where I disagree is that capitalism is bad. I believe it is the system that creates the most flourishing for the largest number of people. Money is the foundational technology of the economy and I don't see what could possibly replace it, or even why anyone would want to replace it.


175ParkAvenue t1_j23wxrf wrote

This is vastly overblown to be honest. Obviously governments can't just implement UBI just because maybe at some undetermined point in the future there might be large scale unemployment due to automation. We are not yet there and right now the productive capacity of the economy simply could not sustain such programs, and today's highly targeted welfare is a lot more efficient.

Also this does not at all mean that money or capitalism must be discarded, since there is no better system to replace it. There will be many scarce resources even after the singularity, and there needs to be a way to distribute them efficiently. For that you need a market and money. UBI is actually the way to achieve wealth redistribution and keep increasing the living standards of people that will be economically useless in the automated markets of the (not so distant) future.


175ParkAvenue t1_j19ae1h wrote

An AI is not coded though. It is trained using data and backpropagation. So you have no method to imbue it with morality, you can just try to train it on the right data and hope it learns what you want it to learn. But there are many many ways this can go wrong, from misalignment between what the human wants and what the training data contains, to misalignment between the outer objective and inner objective.


175ParkAvenue t1_ixl6f8u wrote

I wonder when we will have continuously self improving agents that can take arbitrary actions in the world and do long term planning. Or at least totally slay in Minecraft. I'd guess about 3 years or so.

!RemindMe 3 years.


175ParkAvenue t1_irb0gk7 wrote

Those are fair questions. We don't know for sure if this boom will continue all the way to AGI and the Singularity. But that's what it looks like.

In my opinion only something on the scale of a US - Russia nuclear war could delay the Singularity by a few decades.

Something like the invasion of Taiwan could delay it by a few years maybe.

Localized wars, pandemics or recessions probably will not delay it significantly.