
00collector t1_iybjeu7 wrote

Nightcrawler (2014) is still my favorite movie of the last 10 years. It’s on HBO MAX.

Prey (2022) the Predator prequel was excellent. It’s on HULU.

And the series “Atlanta” just finished its run. Creator/co-star Donald Glover described it as “Twin Peaks with Rappers”. I’m not into Rap, but the characters & story is so strong, it doesn’t matter.


00collector t1_ixnm5j5 wrote

She should have broken it off with him when they had the argument in the stairwell.

He’s clearly more into her than she is into him. When he says “I saw we’re a couple, dammit!” And she agrees? It’s at that point she made a decision.

She didn’t want anything serious? Cool. This is the jump to “serious”. She is leading him on after this. If her heart isn’t in it, the decent thing is to break it off.