
11 results for

Submitted by foodtower t3_108izdt in personalfinance

through the foundation walls. * These days, [most people advise insulating the inside of the foundation walls]( and not under the first floor (though if you already have insulation under the floor ... insulation is cheap and you can rent a machine to DIY it if you want. ]( a look up there and use [this site]( to determine if you have enough


megapeptobismol OP t1_iyzuuy0 wrote

Reply to comment by neojinnx in Homesteaders by megapeptobismol

barn or garage, it usually easier. We use a part of our small barn. A safety tip, do no use space heater inside coops. Be aware that rodent may start coming


sjo232 t1_ja9hk06 wrote

mine]( They also like to climb and can really get big * [Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum]( - Also known as the Tree Philodendron. One of my personal favorites. Can get big and loves