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Submitted by nasa t3_zl2zd7 in IAmA

PROOF: []( Last Sunday, NASA’s Orion spacecraft [splashed down in the Pacific](, wrapping up [our 25.5-day, 1.4-million-mile (2.5-million-km) Artemis I mission to the Moon ... back]( Artemis I was the first integrated test of [Orion](, the [Space Launch System (SLS) rocket](, and [Exploration Ground Systems]( at [NASA ... Kennedy Space Center]( We’ll use these deep space exploration systems [on future Artemis missions to send astronauts to the Moon]( and create a long-term presence


5yleop1m t1_ivv2dbd wrote

Disconnecting those properly and safely takes many hours. An example of some data from LC39 Then the whole tower launch platform has to be readied for moving. The launch tower doesn ... purposes so its really dumbed down which is unfortunate because it simplifies a lot of things. The two handbooks below have a ton of juicy technical details.


CurtisLeow t1_j6ahiea wrote

point the SLS was going to launch [the Lunar Gateway,]( [the cargo to the Lunar Gateway,]( [the Europa Clipper,]( and crewed Lunar flyby missions. The vast


fakewokesnowflake t1_j6lxj3n wrote

NASA is working on active debris remediation due to the issues caused by orbital debris [NASA]( [NASA ADRV]( Sure, we could likely still launch to MEO and beyond just ... completely lose sustained human presence in LEO for up to hundreds of years. [Decay by altitude]( But I am sure the wiki explained all that


reddit455 t1_jcws9tg wrote

x200B; With Artemis missions, NASA will land the first woman and first person of color on the Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before ... push the boundaries of what is possible. ​ America can't afford it. ​ []( The Artemis Accords will describe a shared vision for principles, grounded in the Outer Space Treaty


CrustalTrudger t1_j71l2dp wrote

monitor this. There may be a deeper record (perhaps others will address that aspect), but [NASA]( runs a lunar impact monitoring program. The basic strategy is to look for "flashes" using specially ... impact converted to visible light. NASA has been running this program since 2006. This [page]( provides some recent candidate impacts and there's a map and links at the bottom that give


plants_pants t1_j80aws4 wrote\_pages/asteroids/overview/fastfacts.html]( "Only once every few million years, an object large enough to threaten Earth's civilization comes along. Impact craters on Earth, the moon and other planetary bodies are evidence


BartyDeCanter t1_itney45 wrote

converging on <1000 NEOs larger than 1km. Here's a nice, though slightly outdated, graphic: [\_pages/WISE/multimedia/gallery/neowise/pia14734.html]( And a recent paper giving an estimate of 940+-10. [


Marchello_E t1_it07kqu wrote

move or is this a parallax because the picture is taken from a slightly different position? [](


PlatinumPOS t1_it0q9va wrote

remember how much longer. Two days? I'm having difficulty finding it, but obviously [NASA]( is extremely interested in this question as well


Pluto_and_Charon OP t1_it121xy wrote

Here's]( one [Another]( (This time Perseverance) [This]( Perseverance one isn't true colour but is just so cinematic I couldnt resist adding it True colour


[deleted] t1_irgrw54 wrote

planet atmospheres That was one of the first images/data they showed, way back in July. [](


LightningRodofH8 t1_itr7ula wrote

Here is an official list: []( From the originally linked article: **Astrophysicist**, **data scientist**, and **boxer** Federica Bianco, focuses on using data science to study the universe. Bianco is a joint professor


SquiffSquiff t1_ivxdrlv wrote

discussed e.g. [Here]( It was because they wanted to [manufacture them in Utah]( for I'm sure entirely sound technical reasons that had nothing whatsoever to do with politics
