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AppleToGrind t1_j6ixrf9 wrote

Canada should be there too.


f0n50 t1_j6j0ivb wrote

CAUKUS has a nice ring


Prairiegentleman t1_j6j2ijg wrote

Canada is the deadbeat uncle of the family that shows up for Christmas 30 mins late, asks for $20.00, eats in 10 mins, leaves early and then goes on Facebook to say how important family is to them. We're a junk ally.


[deleted] t1_j6kl0db wrote



TROPtastic t1_j6kn600 wrote

The Northwest Passage will be an international passage in the same way that the Bosphorus and Dardennelles straits are.


[deleted] t1_j6koqmk wrote



Prairiegentleman t1_j6mx9bp wrote

Noone is taking about investing 10 percent here, how about 2? Or 2.2? Enough to recapitalize our dilapidated equipment and infrastructure so our stuff doesn't get people killed. Also, we like our military to be able to do things like participate in international ops or peacekeeping. At our current manning and equipment state, we can hardly manage Latvia, let alone everything else the government seems to want.


monkeygoneape t1_j6jb2a9 wrote

Current leadership makes that the case unfortunatly and idiots keep voting of trudeau because "blue party bad, and there's no other options"


Prairiegentleman t1_j6jbgdi wrote

This is bigger than Trudeau, as much as I'm not fond of the man's politics. We've been delinquents since at least Trudeau Snr, however one could argue it started with Lester Pearson. Blue party bad, red party bad is one of the reasons our country is sliding to non-seriousness and mediocrity in all things.


AppleToGrind t1_j6k1ys8 wrote

One of the first things our country did after Confederation was allow CPR to to bypass the tariff we had against American steel so they could get cheaper materials for the construction of the railroad. Then that very government - lead by John A. MacDonald - became mired a few years later in a bribing scandal. MacDonald had to resign in disgrace. He came back later and got re-elected funnily enough.

So the cancer and rot at the heart of Canada began long before Trudeau the First or Lester Pearson. It started right at the top from beginning.


lordderplythethird t1_j6jbr6m wrote

Issues with that;

  1. US will not allow Canada to share nuclear submarine designs until it accepts the NW Passage as an international strait, same as Malacca or Hormuz. It's why the Canada Class nuclear submarine was vetoed by the US

  2. Canada unfortunately doesn't offer anything. It's not even a factor in hypersonics, advanced AI, loyal wingman UAVs, etc, and it criminally underfunds its military, particularly R&D. So not bringing any knowledge, and not bringing any funding. It's in effect, being a free rider.

  3. Canada has not joined the US, UK, Australia, and Japan in recognizing China as a threat to security. Hell, the Canadian military is still doing research studies with the Chinese government. When the crux of AUKUS is looking square at China, Canada is not a great ally on that front.

  4. Canadian political leadership have openly stated they have no desire to join AUKUS, even though their military leadership is screaming for it. Same as when the military leadership was begging for the F-35, but was told "no, the Minister of Fisheries will decide what fighter jet the military gets".


TROPtastic t1_j6kodwr wrote

Seems like this

>Canadian political leadership have openly stated they have no desire to join AUKUS, even though their military leadership is screaming for it.

Is directly opposed by this

>US will not allow Canada to share nuclear submarine designs until it accepts the NW Passage as an international strait, same as Malacca or Hormuz

The Straits of Hormuz and Malacca are of course irrelevant here, since the shortest (desired) routes of the Northwest Passage take it through exclusively Canadian waters rather than waters shared by two nations. Comparisons to the Bosphorus and the Dardennelles straits are more appropriate.


AppleToGrind t1_j6jzvfg wrote

The knowledge I gained from all of that is that the United States is a regional bully and we as Canadians are doing the best thing we can do which is flip them the bird, geopolitically speaking. Goes in line with our passive-aggressive identity and actually makes me proud.


lordderplythethird t1_j6l7km0 wrote

That would be wildly uneducated, but that's fair and to each their own. Or Canada could accept international law and not try to fuck over their allies in the US and Europe with both declaring the NW Passage as a shipping route AND denying it's an international strait for shipping, in a blatantly illegal move to tax all shipping traversing those waters, where the most frequent users would be the US and Europe. It's as fucking moronic as China's claims in the South China Sea, or if Mexico demanded to tax all ships who entered the Gulf of Mexico...

Or we can falsely cry wolf and pretend Canada is being bullied. That works too I guess?


AppleToGrind t1_j6nuy7r wrote

International Law are a set of rules created by dominant players (ie. United States) using their leverage to largely benefit themselves. They have been imposed on smaller players because the alternative is far worse. So yeah, enjoy our middle finger salute.


ImaginaryRoads t1_j6ksnz6 wrote

I've always favored CANZUS for the major English-speaking Pacific Rim countries.