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koreamax t1_j6bwg66 wrote

Only teenagers and unemployed people think disrupting normal people trying to make a living is a good way to protest


MrTimscampi t1_j6c1z63 wrote

Because paid holidays, unemployment benefits and other social changes were brought by the kindness of the ruling class, through peaceful discussions, not through disruption and violence.


koreamax t1_j6c2n9y wrote

You're advocating for violence to get things we already have?


MrTimscampi t1_j6c5wzr wrote

I’m only responding to what you said. If our ancestors agreed with you, we’d have none of these.


_carmimarrill t1_j6cqhxw wrote

I should note, I never said that occupying the road was a good way to protest. It might be, but it usually won’t be, that kind if thing is highly contextual. But I gotta say what an excellent way to shut down all nuance. “Only kids and poors would ever do this, but NORMAL people know better”. That’s gotta be the douchiest way to be anti-protester I’ve ever seen, one glance at the photos of the incident and obviously it isn’t just minors and the unemployed there. You will make an excellent propagandist one day