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humanbot69420 t1_j6kghlm wrote

blah blah blah Hindu Nationalists blah blah blah


Indus-ian t1_j6ksfts wrote

Man is working with what he got. Hindu nationalists buy Russian oil because of caste. Also huh tech support, 7-11.


dubiousadvocate t1_j6kiwgj wrote

Have you considered moving to the US and being a Trump supporter? Because you'd fit right in.

Oh wait, India has a brain drain and what stays behind just turns into more mental mush.

Some sarcasm here, I wish India would knock off the caste bullshit and let more of their best and brightest move overseas.

It makes life easier for your zealots and dilutes our own inbred undereducated masses.

You can stay right there.
