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Treviathan88 t1_j65wrew wrote

I don't hate her, but... I also don't give two shits what she thinks....


StognaBolognas t1_j667yns wrote

Yeah not suspicious at all that op replied verbatim what ‘another’ responder had already said.


DeMalgamnated t1_j68sb9c wrote

she's only famous because she's autistic, if she was just an average teenager no one would be paying her any attention.

i think it's wrong that her parents turned her into a celebrity just because they think she's special.

she's no more special than anyone else. i found her initial speech a bit cringe when she first emerged.

HOW DARE YOU! to me it just sounded off.

when it's something serious like climate change, we need to have scientists making speeches, not teenagers who claim to be activists.

all she is, is one of the many current social media influencers. someone that people feel the need to follow but for the wrong reasons.

listen to the adults, not the angry girl.

if you want to make a different, keep recycling, use less plastic stuff, don't create so much daily rubbish, grow more veg etc at home if you have a garden, use your car less if possible. go on litter picks etc. you don't need to make a specticle of yourself.

just know you are doing your bit.


chaseinger t1_j66ohlr wrote

good thing you're not in the un then i guess. because they do, increasingly so. you should really try read what she said, it's rather compelling.


Grower0fGrass t1_j66lc1n wrote

Yeah, but there are millions of young people who do care what she thinks…

There are millions of old men who piss their pants in fury at what she thinks…

There are companies who have invested millions in astroturfing against her because they are afraid about what she thinks…

And there are people like you, whose thoughts very few give two shits about TBH.

So you now, whatevs.

She thinks we should listen to the science, and she’s having impact…a lot of fucking impact. You can thank her once her voting block becomes fully age-activated.


CheeseIsAHypothesis t1_j67ihpm wrote

Are you seriously offended that someone doesn't care what she thinks?


qwerty_38 t1_j67zlf0 wrote

He wrote a paragraph defending her.You can't make this shit up lol


Grower0fGrass t1_j67yufc wrote

Modelling apathy is classic astroturfing at worst, an awful example at best. The production of apathy is now industry strategy.


[deleted] t1_j661fcb wrote



Treviathan88 t1_j661lf1 wrote

You're welcome. Posting comments is what comment sections are for, so I couldn't help myself.


Web_Automatic OP t1_j664gfg wrote

Thank you for making sure all of reddit knows that she doesn't influence you. So brave.


MeNamIzGraephen t1_j662ptb wrote

G. Thunberg put in one headline with the UN makes UN seem as relevant as a 19yo activist popstar, who's anti-nuclear and holds a lot of anti-science views herself. This is bad, as it aims to polarize and divide instead of getting right-wing people to consider their stance on climate change-related issues.

I'd slam these journalists.


LiliNotACult t1_j66im1p wrote

That's because they're about equally as effective.


MeNamIzGraephen t1_j67na00 wrote

The UN is more of a communication platform - it has no way of enforcing anything, so I agree.


avoidanttt t1_j685i2e wrote

I've heard of her anti-nuclear position before, but what other unscientific views does she hold?


Grower0fGrass t1_j66lrc6 wrote

The right wing don’t change their stance. Not any more. Our only hope is dying boomers being replaced by the Thunberg generation in the polls.

And that is exactly what is happening.

By the way, anyone with any knowledge at all about energy systems is not anti-nuclear, but see nuclear as a slow, curious, expensive and politically unviable side-project to the main game - baseload renewables and battery tech.


The-Entity t1_j6874gy wrote

My mother finally agreed that climate change is happening, after 4 years of VERY mild Midwest winters. That was pretty huge.


GigaLlama t1_j66xdtg wrote

Thunberg generation? Why are you all brainless? No one is listening to this fool.


Grower0fGrass t1_j66xrkl wrote

Except for the UN, government officials, the world media, tens of millions of voting age or near voting age young people, and the fossil fuel companies who paid PR firms to get you to this opinion.


GigaLlama t1_j66xxli wrote

What? You make no sense, are you ok?


Grower0fGrass t1_j66zncu wrote

Oh sorry.

I said “Except for the UN, government officials, the world media, tens of millions of voting age or near voting age young people, and the fossil fuel companies who paid PR firms to get you to this opinion.”


GigaLlama t1_j68ajvl wrote

Thunberg has no pull with anyone. She's just a media puppet to generate clicks.

Your repetitious nonsense ignores the reality that PR firms brought you Greta in the first place. She has no real influence. She brings nothing to the table.


doubled240 t1_j66yt6n wrote

Thats all we need, the free shit army running things. And its really helping the planet surface mining all the minerals involved in making batteries. No wind no power cloudy day no power. Pipe dreams.


Grower0fGrass t1_j66zet9 wrote

There are trillions of dollars being invested in this renewables pipe dream by hippie investors like major banks, the ADB, sovereign wealth funds and medium risk private equity.

The renewables investment trajectory alone - ALONE - makes nuclear a wasted proposition, and that’s before the battery tech revolution removes the periodicity problem in the next decade.


MeNamIzGraephen t1_j67n43l wrote

Wind and Solar are 'support' sources of energy at best. Viable for houses facing a certain direction, viable to power small companies, viable for expeditions, or to power a coastal village.

They will NOT work, if you want to power a multi-milion city, an industrial park, a huge port, or a science project. Nuclear, both fission and fusion are necessary green energy projects until we find a smarter way of producing renewable energy, which is NOT solar farms the size of a small city or engulfing entire coasts and hills in wind turbines, that constantly break down and kill birds. And both require massive amounts of lithium for batteries, mining of which is toxic and has a huge carbon footprint.


jryan3160 t1_j6721gt wrote

Promotion of this irrelevant person makes no sense and actually gives less credibility to the cause. Suffice it to say the UN urges quick action.


Mindful-Monkey-Man t1_j66edsy wrote

Wellll I wasn't going to buy into it because of the UN, but if a young girl says so then ok.


FredTheLynx t1_j65uda2 wrote

Greta Thunberg is a A- activist and A+ troller of idiots, but putting her and the UN as equals in opinions on climate change is a bit much.


[deleted] t1_j65ul6w wrote

I'm not a climate change-denier, but something like this seems to, first and foremost, be something that is a the responsibility of each individual government. If it is a failed state that literally doesn't have the resources to deal with it, then UN can consider intervening, but no more "any excuse to ask for a handout" politics that many countries seem to be practicing.


MeNamIzGraephen t1_j6632bx wrote

Not each government, but all of them at once need to agree and adhere to the same rules. Otherwise environmental taxes just make businesses migrate to countries, which couldn't give less of a damn about the future, putting the ones that do at an economic disadvantage.


Nose-Nuggets t1_j672v37 wrote

How can you expect India to be able to adhere to the same kind of restrictions as the us and Europe?


MeNamIzGraephen t1_j67mbfv wrote

You can't,but you can make it a part of a deal i.e. "Ban mazut use and we'll invest in your infrastructure." or something like that.


Grower0fGrass t1_j66m3j0 wrote

She made good points in this joint press conference with the UN. It’s great she’s mobilising lots of young people.

Hopefully her voting block continues to shake up politics, which has been dominated for too long by slick old men and their lobbyists making money from future suffering.


chaseinger t1_j66npe0 wrote

it's really good to see her evolve from angry teenager yelling at un crowd to be invited for official talks.

truly satisfying, even more so since too many people (see this thread) are still foaming from the mouth when they only hear her name.


SuspiciousStable9649 t1_j66rxb6 wrote

But if you’re migrating to avoiding the law, she’ll fuck your shit up. (That’s still funny.)


forsaken_warrior22 t1_j67qc3h wrote

The new Stephen merchant doesnt tell nearly as many jokes as the old. God its so boring.

Hey Illuminati!! Give the clone drones more personality! Jesus Christ!!

Dont you miss the old days when they just made clones out of sheep that didn't talk and try act like a real person. Everyone other article now is by some other Pinocchio trying to fool the public. Getting sic of it.


autotldr t1_j661ntc wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 94%. (I'm a bot)

> Today we'll explore why Russia may need to sell oil at steep discounts, take a look at the record broken by America's second biggest oil company and see why the Biden administration is betting on biofuels.

> Unpredictable oil: Russian oil initially declined following the Dec. 5 implementation of an EU embargo on crude, as well as a $60 price cap set by the EU and Group of Seven nations.

> California oil giant Chevron Corp. posted record profits of $35.5 billion last year, according to a 2022 fourth quarter report released on Friday.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: oil^#1 report^#2 billion^#3 while^#4 more^#5


Test19s t1_j65zwkp wrote

That climate change is disproportionately affecting poor countries that only started emitting Co2 late in the game is such a profound injustice that it has destroyed any faith in a loving God. Especially if it's used with shoddy science to argue that Western/European-based countries are inherently superior: the definition of being born on third base and thinking you hit a triple.

Hopefully once Putin is gone we can convince the new Russian regime to make room in rural Siberia for climate migrants.


EntertainerNo3007 t1_j67eupf wrote

Both have notoriety but at the end of the day no one ever really listens to them.


gowelll t1_j66v7zi wrote

Waste to energy need be part of all CITIES plans to reduce and capture energy not going to landfill .


chaseinger t1_j661r4b wrote

to everybody who didn't bother reading the article:

it's "thunberg, un" because they held a joint interview after a discussion about the matter.

y'all need to come to terms with the fact that sometimes activists become lobbyists or otherwise influencial political players, and it looks like greta is here to stay.

we don't always need to give our 2¢ about what we think of her. nobody cares.


Grower0fGrass t1_j66lxf8 wrote

If this wasn’t being astroturf-attacked, it would be a miracle.


chaseinger t1_j66mxdp wrote

it'd be funny if it wasn't so sad how triggered people are when they hear her name.