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Entity0027 t1_j20eyx2 wrote

Dear Balkans,

Take your ethno nationalism and shove it up your asses. Learn how to live civilly in a multiethnic society for once.


KarroSen t1_j2152ey wrote

That is the issue in the Balkans though. The Balkans have been at war with itself for the last 300 years. The Austrians, Turks, Hungarians and what not have fanned the fires of discontent in order for them to held the regions under their grasp and they well knew the effects. It’s in the cultural fabric of the countries comprising the region at this point in time and sadly, until the standard of living increases and the painful chapters are discussed and accepted, the status quo will remain.


Varolyn t1_j21h5di wrote

Tito may have been a dictator, but the Balkans did have some semblance of stability when he ruled Yugoslavia. One of the few “good” dictators in human history.


PrisonSlides t1_j21ovft wrote

Didn’t they have a huge debt problem develop under him tho that helped lead to a lot of their issues?


Eliminem t1_j22yzwz wrote

Nice try to defend communism.


Sapphire-Drake t1_j23bppd wrote

Less commi than Stalin. Tito told him to shove it and that he would do things his way. So less extreme than funny moustache man number 2.


plastikelastik t1_j22w2pe wrote

The Balkans were not at war with itself under Yugoslavia so this statement is absolute bollocks


KarroSen t1_j22ydqe wrote

There was always ethnic tension. Or did you forget about the Chetniks in Serbia who felt betrayed and in the end brought the end of Yugoslavia. Or maybe the Ustasa who hated Serb and Bosnian alike because they wanted to create a greater Croatia. Tito had managed to keep the country in one piece because he knew how to compromise and satisfy all the parts.

Cherry picking at your convenience is neither reflective of the historical background or to the argument I brought forward.


LordInfamouss t1_j23mkfy wrote

You fucking idiot it’s the government that pushes the propaganda no person wants war out there.


verymainelobster t1_j20fxi2 wrote

Which country are you from, if I may ask?


Entity0027 t1_j20glmr wrote

US, which also has it's share of useful idiots buying into ethno nationalism.


K41_sky t1_j20oxjd wrote

Dear US citizen , you are like a newborn when it comes to a civilisation's lifespan. War is not a good thing in any way , but a conflict that your past government created and left there with no resolution rather than postponed it. Now I guess one of the sides decided on its own ( or with a little help even) to resolve it once and for all. I have friends from both sides and I don't want any conflict (especially one with casualties) to happen, I also though want the whole region to stabilize itself so no more severe incidents happen and in general any hostilities towards ethnic groups. I hope you understand! :D


UrbanIndy t1_j20sp1m wrote

What was the point of your response? You just came off sounding like a dickhole.


hannibal_fett t1_j21b0kw wrote

Normal Americans Can't Have Opinions Cuz American comment


TROPtastic t1_j21b9ze wrote

>Now I guess one of the sides decided on its own ( or with a little help even) to resolve it once and for all.

You seriously think Serbia is in any position to "resolve" this conflict militarily? May I remind you of what happened the last time that Serbian forces tried to carry out ethnic cleansing?


rldogamusprime t1_j21gpbi wrote

>Dear US citizen , you are like a newborn when it comes to a civilisation's lifespan.

The US is over 300 years old and has had modern democracy and modern civilization MUCH longer than most of Eastern Europe. It also started as a colony of one of the greatest planet spanning empires that ever existed. I don't know why Europeans think this is a valid argument, most of your countries are more 'newborn' than the US.

Russia wants to test NATO, so it's using Serbia. And the Serbian government is stupid enough to go along with it.


PublicFurryAccount t1_j21urhk wrote

It also doesn’t really matter. That France has been around for over a thousand years doesn’t mean anyone in France has.


xvx_k1r1t0_xvxkillme t1_j225xdr wrote

Technically, the Fifth French Republic was created in 1958. So France is only 64 years old.

The U.S. is actually one of the oldest currently existing countries.


PestyNomad t1_j21q873 wrote

The whole world is so fucking amped up to fight the ever living shit out of each other. The whole planet feels like a powder keg.


Turythefox t1_j2319wu wrote

History repeating itself . The world was like this before WW1.


cesgjo t1_j2a13cg wrote

Personally, i highly doubt WW3 will happen tho

There are so many wars happening right now. But the reason why nobody calls these "WW3" is because all of these are proxy wars by powerful nations

For example, the ongoing civil war in Yemen is actually a "war" between Iran and Saudi Arabia. One faction gets supplied by Saudi Arabia, and then the other faction gets supplied by Iran. So basically it's an "informal" or "proxy" war between Saudi Arabia and Iran

There are so many wars, conflicts, and insurgencies all across the Middle East and Africa. In almost all of them, you'll be able to trace at least two powerful countries supplying different groups and militias with various weapons.

Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey all participate in proxy wars across the Middle East. France is involved in Africa. The US almost everywhere

Superpowers rarely participate in traditional wars anymore, they just pit groups against each other to fight their wars for them. Putin just broke this trend by saying "fuck it, let's invade Ukraine", but i doubt other superpowers will follow suit


Sorry-Business-1152 t1_j20yf2u wrote

Putin is giggling like a school girl rn


Varolyn t1_j21hczx wrote

I mean the question is why? If Serbia decides to do something stupid, NATO will just smash whatever attack force that they use.


Sorry-Business-1152 t1_j21odk7 wrote

Your guess is as good as mine but Russia has used the Balkan region as a tool to lash out at the west. They fuel instability to throw a monkey wrench in the wests efforts to integrate the western Balkans into the EU. Could be a distraction or something more


PestyNomad t1_j21qj0l wrote

Trying to spread the west thin is my guess but it is unlikely to work considering the number of nations within NATO at this point.


RealityHungry4597 t1_j22d5o6 wrote

Most of NATO hasn’t historically spent a great deal on their defense industry besides the US and a handful of others, so regardless of number of countries the depth of resource reserve and ability to replenish is finite. If forced to intervene in Kosovo it may impact amount of support for Ukraine. Just a thought


PestyNomad t1_j22dmzp wrote

> Most of NATO hasn’t historically spent a great deal on their defense industry

Eh, plenty of heavy weights on the member list

Overall you are right that most do not contribute as much as the few key countries, but it is still more than enough to keep up with current events.


RealityHungry4597 t1_j22e5ri wrote

Perhaps it’s enough, perhaps it won’t impact ongoing support to Ukraine but you must admit that it is a further drain nonetheless.

This article seems to indicate that I’m not the only one with this concern, which strengthens the concept that it might be what Russia is trying to do:

Lots of priorities; Russia sanctions, arm Ukraine, support Kosovo, deter China, etc…


CapeTownMassive t1_j22t732 wrote

The total spending for all NATO countries on defense is nearly equivalent to Russia’s entire GDP LOL


RealityHungry4597 t1_j23pfdl wrote

And yet NATOs military commitments far outstrip Russias, so what’s you point? Besides let’s not kid ourselves, the majority of NATO spending is from the US who is also trying to maintain a sufficient stockpile for global reach and a deterrent against China in the Taiwan straight.


mikica1986 t1_j21yb5j wrote

Because now everyone talks about potential "war" (that, according to state media, already happened) instead of amonia (or however it's spelt) poisoning drinking water in one of Serbia's regions.


Far_Ad_3360 t1_j22hcs9 wrote

Man you guys are really far behind. Those barricades started getting removed like yesterday


Snownova t1_j23aczm wrote

My bet is that Russia is making Serbia ramp up tension in order to distract NATO from Ukraine.


Konras t1_j23id44 wrote

So all this is because of damn car plates?

Probably not, but I heard this narrative in the news recently.


acountawaythrow t1_j24r8cm wrote

Come on Serbia… you don’t want round two