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swordfish1221 t1_j1ap9ci wrote

Incentivizing people to charge at certain times is nothing but a way to make more money. It’s not going to change people’s habits.


MadCat360 t1_j1aq56z wrote

Source to any data that supports this? Varying toll prices has been mitigating traffic for decades, and doing so with significant effect.


swordfish1221 t1_j1axu1u wrote

You got a source varying toll prices have been used for mitigating traffic. IDK about the only time i go on tolls is when i go to work which i can’t control what time that is.


gburgwardt t1_j1arz3v wrote

What are you talking about, a way to make more money?

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of peak load?


swordfish1221 t1_j1ay1io wrote

The comment above was suggesting charging more money for charging your vehicle during peak load. Often times people have schedules and have places to be a certain times. Often people can’t chose what time they charge so rather than reduce load during peak times, they just make more money


gburgwardt t1_j1ay6gs wrote

That is not the power company’s problem, the whole point is to get you to change your lifestyle


swordfish1221 t1_j1aygcb wrote

You’re right fuck paying bills and commuting to remote areas to make a living.


gburgwardt t1_j1aylz2 wrote

If you choose a lifestyle that requires more resources yes you should pay for them


concerned_citizen128 t1_j1ay7ed wrote

Just have to setup schedules on chargers. Most EV owners charge at night, when they arrive home. If they changed rates, and set a cheaper rate for late night charging, I would simply schedule it on my charger.

Currently, I pay the same rate for electricity, no matter when I charge. This isn't difficult to do, and doesn't necessarily mean implementing penalties.