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Redpanther14 t1_j1v5ldx wrote

Actually, most US aid has been economic aid in the form of relatively low-interest loans IIRC.


GoodAndHardWorking t1_j1v6u2s wrote

Are the loans not earmarked to go right back to US defense contractors?


Redpanther14 t1_j1v7f62 wrote

No, western countries have been providing billions of dollars of loans to Ukraine each month to make sure that the country doesn’t completely fall apart. Most weapons provided to Ukraine by the US have been drawdowns of government stocks (which I doubt repayment for is expected, although I do not know the finer details).


patrick66 t1_j1v9i6t wrote

Nah they’re true loans. When we give other countries money to buy weapons from us it’s almost exclusively grant money not loans, but for obvious reasons we aren’t even doing that step here. mostly the us is largely just dealing with the contractors directly


IronEngineer t1_j1v9zmj wrote

A large amount is not. Despite the meme that the USis only supporting the defense industry, they are doing a lot to help Ukraine through this. True economic and humanitarian aid has come in large numbers.
