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Environmental_Cake97 t1_j257414 wrote

Well, I’m a female in the US and I have a spare room. If someone could get an Afghan refugee to me there would be free accommodation, free food, and paid work to do when they felt up to it. I would dearly love to get a woman out of there and to safety.

The problem is all the goddamned bureaucrats between her and me.

I think assisting the ones who want to leave is all we can do. A people have to sort out their own internal problems because our attempts at intervention make things worse. Anyone who Nopes out of it is welcome at my place though. If they like dogs anyway.

I can’t solve everyone’s problems. I can’t bring out a whole family. I can assist one person, which is what I can do. Preferably female because I am female and that is my preference. You might take a male or a whole family.

If everyone did what they could do the Taliban would soon run out of victims. Doing nothing because you would prefer to solve a different problem is exactly that, doing nothing.


FiendishHawk t1_j25b2gh wrote

It’s not bureaucrats, it’s the entire society. Most people would not want to go without their family and you probably can’t fit her, her husband, 3 kids, cat and mother-in-law in your spare room.


bcv2269 t1_j25h1i9 wrote

Also you’ll find out that even their “liberals” are raging right wing religious nut jobs by our standards.


mossiemoo t1_j25h67u wrote

In the meantime reach out to local women's shelters, there are many women in need of help to escape abusive situations. You can still transform the lives of many women, they just won't be Afghan. ♥️


Manicplea t1_j261dn7 wrote

Think globally act locally. It's easy to look at a news story of a far off place and say I would totally help them! Well that's great that you have a desire to help because there are neglected seniors, foster kids without homes and abused young folks of all kinds who could use a big brother/sister right where you are right now that would be thrilled with your help and require a lot less red tape. Start there!


tamurareiko t1_j25bzg3 wrote

That’s very nice of you!


Environmental_Cake97 t1_j25fgy6 wrote

Well it would be if there wasn’t a ton of officials to wade through first. I have no idea how to extract someone. It’s all good intentions right now, which achieves nothing :(


GoBeyondAte t1_j25c2kg wrote

I've noticed all you guys only want to get the women out and forget about the boys and men who are also suffering


mitchconner_ t1_j25e8oz wrote

Quit it with that shit dude. They aren’t suffering nearly as much as the women, who are being persecuted, and having their lives uprooted, and basic human rights revoked, just simply because they were born women. Men aren’t being told they will no longer have access to education. Men aren’t forced to cover their bodies head to toe. Men aren’t forced into a life of servitude just because of their sex.

Sure, there are men and boys who I’m sure are struggling. But they aren’t facing persecution simply because of their sex.

Get out of here with that dumbass shit.


Robodarklite t1_j25icqp wrote

While I agree with most of what you say, young boys do have a rough time over there as well, being male doesn't give them immediate protection, they get sold off to slavery and used for sexual purposes, check out bacha bazi for more information. Again, not disagreeing with what you said, just that if it's anything like other third world countries being male alone doesn't protect you, connections to powerful people are what keep you safe.