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falconzord t1_j2bsx0j wrote

Doesn't Kazakhstan have an open border with Russia? What are the grounds for his deportation?


degotoga t1_j2bwbg5 wrote

> Zhilin had to cross the border illegally because as an FSB officer he was not allowed to leave the country. He asked for political asylum in Kazakhstan, but his request was rejected and he was arrested.

> Zhovtis believes that Kazakhstan was under pressure to extradite Zhilin to Russia and described it as a “sad situation,” implying that Zhilin is being "handed over simply to die."


falconzord t1_j2bx53e wrote

I read the article, but I don't understand why Kazakhstan is bending here, it was illegal from the Russian perspective, not Kazakh.


mighty_worrier t1_j2d2ize wrote

Because if you aren't allowed to cross the border at a checkpoint you cross elsewhere illegally thereby violating the law in both countries.