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newarkian t1_j1yv5uj wrote

Plans to launch more rockets and missiles into the sea…..


2FalseSteps t1_j1yv714 wrote

Poor Little Kimmy must feel starved for attention.


Brilliant-Debate-140 t1_j1yvk6i wrote

Why has he got it in his head military this military that!!! Setting of ballistic missiles constantly?

He clearly wants a war and is another incompetent fruit loop who needs to be taking out


swipichone t1_j1ywsho wrote

He is building his own demise when they think they are powerful enough they will kill him and take control


FurryM17 t1_j1yx0fr wrote

The autocrats seem to have gotten nervous ever since the invasion of Ukraine didn't go so well. I think they're realizing the US and NATO don't need to put boots on the ground to make your life a nightmare.


zertu69 t1_j1yzdrt wrote

Autocracies are always fragile constructs, they always need to show power, not necessarily because how other countries perceive them but because they need to threaten their own population constantly that the ruling party has the guns behind it and can be turned on dissenters at a moments notice. And since people cant voice their frustration by electing another party to power, protests in such countries can quickly turn into revolutions.


autotldr t1_j1z11nf wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot)

> SEOUL, South Korea - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un presented new plans to further bolster his military power next year at a meeting of top political officials, state media reported Wednesday, in an indication he'll continue his provocative run of weapons displays.

> The military apologized for failing to shoot down the drones and President Yoon Suk Yeol called for stronger air defenses and high-tech stealth drones to better monitor North Korea.

> In a meeting with his advisers Wednesday, Yoon said South Korea must resolutely retaliate against any provocation by North Korea, saying that will be the most powerful means to deter the North.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Korea^#1 North^#2 South^#3 drone^#4 Korean^#5


Praddict t1_j1z3un8 wrote

Maybe he should lay out goals to improve their infrastructure and make sure his people get fed. I dunno. Like be a real leader for a change.


Haitchyy t1_j1z4ykl wrote

whilst his people continue to die of starvation


danikim1 t1_j1z973c wrote

Jesus christ why does he look so old???


NobodyGotTimeFuhDat t1_j2038a2 wrote

Steps to be a North Korean dick-tator:

  1. Be fat.

  2. Point randomly at things while “walking” around.

  3. Make empty threats to destroy America.

  4. Shoot useless missiles into the ocean that don’t work.

  5. Claim victory after shooting useless missiles into the ocean that don’t work.

  6. Refer to step 1.


Dizno311 t1_j20a6le wrote

He should start with boosting food production first.


No_Significance_1550 t1_j20icdj wrote

Too bad Kim doesn’t have goals like feeding his people the way he feeds himself.


Snoo63541 t1_j20zenr wrote

Kim Jong-Un has made previous efforts (and speeches) about the need to prioritize economic growth, but like his forefathers he’s “riding a tiger” in the NK Military that keeps him in power. He has to prioritize the military’s desires for weapons and launches or risk a coup.


PrimeTime0000 t1_j21v9xl wrote

His people could have a wonderful meal if they ate him. He’s porky 🐷


Jazzlike_Run_5466 t1_j21vv5p wrote

The media really hypes them up like they are scary. Just because they got nukes don't make them scary they can't do anything their army is a bunch of malnourished improperly trained soldiers with old equipment. They'd be wiped off the map if they ever showed true aggression


shaltysam t1_j22g9co wrote

"Make a the rocket more pointy it better"


dogeimistic t1_j230jkr wrote

I would laugh my head off if the sea struck back with a tidal wave.


Senior-Government-87 t1_j23womm wrote

What does this dude think will happen when he has nukes.

"Now that we have nukes America will have to do business with us"

Nah dude you're still sanctioned, go away