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f0rkster t1_j26wquk wrote

But he does have a point like it or not. The political elite are cooking up stories about corruption with the Pedro, the school teacher president. He's not part of the elite political class and they hate him for it. When the 1% control the politics, they also control the media and the messaging.


autotldr t1_j26z1ag wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot)

> Scotland would be stripped of its army if it became independent, a Scottish foreign policy expert has said, explaining that even Scottish divisions of the UK armed forces are owned by the Government in Westminster.

> The "mini-inquiry" will identify what the UK Government can do to further bolster North Atlantic and Arctic defence capabilities in Scotland, while the Scottish Affairs Committee will examine Scotland's role in the UK Government's Arctic Strategy, which was published in March 2022.

> Last year, defence expert John Gower claimed that Trident may be forced overseas or halted if Scotland gains independence because key Trident assets - such as the Faslane submarine base, the warhead loading site at Coulport, and nearby testing ranges - are all located in Scotland or Scottish waters.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Scotland^#1 Scottish^#2 defence^#3 Government^#4 Arctic^#5


x_is_mad t1_j270uww wrote

Well he was tankie so I'm glad they kicked him out. Can't have a democracy when tankies are involved.


OnThe_Spectrum t1_j2722f4 wrote

Dismissing the guy who attempted a coup by illegally disbanding congress and creating a dictatorship and rule by decree is not a violation of the human rights convention.

You don’t need any stories, just that one fact.


BourboneAFCV t1_j27389x wrote

Focus on your own country Mr. Terrorist.

Inflation is high, Poverty levels are high, Education is still a luxury, Health care is still crap, and our currency still getting weaker and weaker.

Less Twitter and more work


Dark_Enoby t1_j275fux wrote

Peru has had 7 different presidents during the last 7 years because the peruvian congress keeps removing them. What Castillo did was illegal and stupid, but at some point this madness needs to be stopped. The economic crisis Peru is in cannot and will not be solved because no president or government can get anything done while they're constantly being undermined and sabotaged by the peruvian congress.


westdl t1_j27bzyt wrote

At least Peru did something to protect their constitution when a president just tried to make himself dictator for life. They arrested him immediately, as is required when someone attempts a coup.