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Calimariae t1_j29jtk4 wrote

That's every thread about Russia. Bunch of tired window jokes and redditors beating dead horses.


00Lisa00 t1_j29to3w wrote

I mean it keeps happening so the horse is still kicking


Zerole00 t1_j29snug wrote

>and redditors beating dead horses

How is it a dead horse if it's still actively occurring?


DavidlikesPeace t1_j29uukm wrote

OP is upset at redditors for pointing out Putin is recycling his boring stale plot.

When did Putin become so predictable? Was he always like this? It seems odd we used to think he was some sort of genius tyrant.


rubywpnmaster t1_j29ovss wrote

TBF the Russian government is kind of encouraging it.


dirtywook88 t1_j2bvv6z wrote

You could say it’s a……window of opportunity. Yyyyeeaaaahhh.jpg


Millenniauld t1_j29rqq2 wrote

Come on guys, stop throwing the horse out the window, it's already dead!

Actually "throw the horse out a window" sounds like one of those weird sayings people attribute to Germany or something, lol


BPhiloSkinner t1_j2aes3h wrote

Or Marx Brothers.

Throw the horse out a window? When it could strike a poor orphan on the street? Have you no shame, sir. Think of the windows and orphans."


Hmrp t1_j2an66j wrote

Youre right the bigger joke is how they have run the country to the ground


Lison52 t1_j2bl02l wrote

Well if it wasn't for the fact that the next fucking person fell out of the window not so long ago then you would be right that this joke is dead.