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Kreislauf t1_j1msttz wrote

a NATO country jailing political critics, threatening all its neighbous with war, blackmailing several european countrys seeking safety, selling advanced NATO weaponry to other war waging countrys and opressing ethnic minorities. ErDOGhans Turkey runs purely on blind nationalism, propaganda and oppresive violence, just like China or Russia.

Edit: Turkey in its current form being in NATO is as much of a joke as the taliban visiting the EU-parlament.


BanBreaking t1_j1tlq8y wrote

> jailing political critics



>threatening all its neighbous with war

only Greece as they are militarizing the islands illegally and are set to extend their territorial waters to 12 miles, a casus belli stated by Turkey in the 1990s. I haven't heard of any other "threats" to Bulgaria, Giorgia, Syria, Iran or Iraq.


>blackmailing several european countrys seeking safety

Harboring terrorists isn't what a defence ally does. Also, politics. get used to it or you'll be crying a lot frequantly.


>selling advanced NATO weaponry to other war waging countrys

Examples and sources please.


>opressing ethnic minorities



sims3k t1_j1nypyw wrote

Still in NATO. 🤷‍♂️ ✌️
