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[deleted] t1_j1yqb7j wrote



LOA503 t1_j1yty6b wrote

And every city recycle 100% of it's recyclables, which they don't.


Goodkat203 t1_j1zupjv wrote

Recycling is largely a distraction tto take attention away from the root cause: overconsumption.


Fit-Impression-9010 t1_j20z8d2 wrote

Recycling is the last step, the big companies don’t reduce and rarely reuse so the last step is pretty null and void.


LordOfRuinsOtherSelf t1_j2152er wrote

UK here, we have a local waste to energy plant. What can be recycled is, everything else gets turned into electricity, no landfill.


Rapiz t1_j1yrup1 wrote

And every city should have multiple containers to throw away electronics.


kittenbag t1_j2006q5 wrote

You mean an incinerator where they burn up “recyclables” for power generation? Because outside of pulling out valuable metals (cans) and sometimes some cardboard, that’s how most of them work