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Netoj t1_j1zmuaw wrote

I bet they forgot that the German KFOR in that region bites back.


eske8643 t1_j23toes wrote

And the Danish did aswell. Thats when the world learned that the old redundant Leopards, we got cheap from Germany. Had been Upgraded and had gyro stabelized firing and thermal sighting, with a max of 20 seconds reload time. While going 70 km/p


[deleted] t1_j20tnxh wrote



MeanwhileInGermany t1_j218374 wrote

Do they also remember the ethnic cleansings and the rapes?


No_Entertainer_8404 t1_j22egm9 wrote

Ironic coming from a German. You should probably sit this one out.


Mirathecat22 t1_j22s9hd wrote

For being a country that accepted accountability and then worked its way into becoming one of the most powerful, influential and friendly countries in Europe? Serbia could learn from them, rather than the consistent denial and being a Russian puppet.


[deleted] t1_j21milt wrote



No_Entertainer_8404 t1_j21zjw3 wrote

How is it trolling? It is fact, NATO bombed Belgrade and is by definition a war crime. Please explain what is fabricated. This is common knowledge but not reported in western media.


No_Entertainer_8404 t1_j22082z wrote

Held onto this account for over 2 years to trolll for this? No, I don't think we should gloss over the facts and only present what furthers one agenda.


[deleted] t1_j225r8b wrote



No_Entertainer_8404 t1_j228q3d wrote

But, you and the original poster we're not honest about the situation. That's the problem. Also, you failed to explain how bombing a civilian city was not a war crime. Is it because it was NATO?

The original KFOR message was the troll. Completely insensitive to the situation. Attitudes like that are what will continue to separate and divide this part of europe. There is no black and white here. I could go on about ethnic Serbian minorities being pushed out of Kosovo after living there for generations. You won't see this on TV either. I've already admitted to Milosevics brutality.

As far as the troll and bots...I see what was done here. It's ashame others will not see this discussion.
