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stomachworm t1_j10j4wn wrote

Ukranian generals would never lie about that.


oldaliumfarmer t1_j10jx2z wrote

With what Army. Has Putin managed to bring back the dead?


momentum77 t1_j10nn21 wrote

Because winter offensives have been historically successful.


Lance-Harper t1_j10r5hn wrote

Exactly. Because there's a grand spectator such as Europe, both sides of the war have a great interest into propaganda and the shit media always exacerbate it further. So everything is to be taken with a grain of salt


gamerqc t1_j10rjz5 wrote

Russia is amassing troops in Belarus. They will probably try a last ditch effort to take Kiev, then collapse once they get wiped out for good because let's be real: it won't succeed. Ukraine had almost a year to fortify this area. Even if Lukashenko joins Russia and invades, it won't change a thing, plus Belarus will probably revolt and he knows it.



They're amassing in Belarus so that they can force the Belorussians into the fray with them. I'm sure forcing another army to fight for you at gunpoint won't have any negative repercussions.


oldaliumfarmer t1_j10u0ao wrote

The 'wastage' in storage in Belarus will not be a trained or effective fighting force. From what I understand the training of anyone decent in Belarus is for police duty both in occupied territory and to protect Putin Inc . At the moment Russia cannot supply drinking water to troops what hope does any massed mob have?


whydoineedsaname t1_j10yoh8 wrote

Belarus doesn't have any reason to supply and train a military, no country would ever attack them while they are under the protection of the superior Russian military...


Prevailing_Power t1_j115owe wrote

Russian population is 140M+, and supposedly the male population is ~60m.

If they've been training people ever since their major blunder, and are able to keep it under wraps, that army.

It looks like this:

  1. Shore up the line with prisoners and other "undesirables".
  2. Start training new men.
  3. Send them in.

Still, do they have the equipment? Sending meat waves - even if they're trained - isn't doing shit if they don't have the kit.

Don't make the mistake of thinking this is over. Far from it, as long as Putin in safe.


Oldalliumfarmer t1_j116ndg wrote

I am not questioning your thoughts.

Do you think they held back the kit they need? Shipped in from N. Korea?

Iran? He does not care how many he kills. He is not rational or sane. Can you hide training an army that large?


Prevailing_Power t1_j117zyk wrote

Honestly, I have no idea if you can hide the training. A few million people divided up amongst all their training places might not even be noticeable. Again, no idea on the kit.

One things for sure, they know what they're dealing with and there won't be surprises like last time. If they truly do have a secret army they're training, this could go pretty badly.


rosiyaidynakher t1_j118r5f wrote

Hopefully if russia Shanghai’s Belarus into this they’ll simply mutiny and join Ukraine.


ComprehensiveLaw7522 t1_j11sdyr wrote

Historically, it helped Russia win the war against Germany. Weird how the German military in WWII has the problems of the Russian military today. Improper equipment, scarce rations, low training, conscripts, the list goes on


Akiasakias t1_j11wgf9 wrote

They have not yet fully mobilized. The Russian army will be larger when the spring mud dries, but Ukrainian deferred maintenance on all the captured equipment will also be done then.

May might be decisive either way.


contrafibulator t1_j122xfm wrote

Do you mean you believe that Russia is not planning new offensives to finish the war in Ukraine in their favor, and instead intends to keep dying in their present positions as long as they can until they finally get thrown out?


porncrank t1_j123i2k wrote

If you only care about your control of resources, there’s no reason to worry about killing hundreds of thousands of people. They’re like dollars spent to acquire something you want. You don’t mourn them. You are more excited about your score. From his perspective it’s perfectly rational and sane. I’d call it pure evil, but he doesn’t think that’s a thing.


porncrank t1_j123ugg wrote

So what do you think Putin is planning for the winter? A retreat? Sit and wait?

Seems to me a major new offensive is most likely. And that people like yourself are so twisted in knots trying to be clever you forget to think whether what you’re saying makes sense.


Vashyo t1_j12fztl wrote

Situation is very similar with all those. Even down to the part of being surrounded by only yes-men.

Germans fought probably better initially only because of the force of pervitin.


Matelot67 t1_j12ooe6 wrote

You could probably pull off a winter offensive with properly equipped personnel, a sound and robust supply line, a heathy reserve of logistics and a well trained and highly motivated force.

So, what is Putin using?

The man has all the military and tactical ability of Hitler in 1945.


Samuraisaurus t1_j1300ij wrote

You can tell because some troops are getting issued socks.


Lance-Harper t1_j1303yh wrote

Not my propos.

But do you see how conflated your question is: asking a random internet person what’s the next strategic move in a war we are not part of as if we were experts on the matter.


flopsyplum t1_j132ewn wrote

Still no answer for HIMARS.