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Oldalliumfarmer t1_j116ndg wrote

I am not questioning your thoughts.

Do you think they held back the kit they need? Shipped in from N. Korea?

Iran? He does not care how many he kills. He is not rational or sane. Can you hide training an army that large?


porncrank t1_j123i2k wrote

If you only care about your control of resources, there’s no reason to worry about killing hundreds of thousands of people. They’re like dollars spent to acquire something you want. You don’t mourn them. You are more excited about your score. From his perspective it’s perfectly rational and sane. I’d call it pure evil, but he doesn’t think that’s a thing.


Prevailing_Power t1_j117zyk wrote

Honestly, I have no idea if you can hide the training. A few million people divided up amongst all their training places might not even be noticeable. Again, no idea on the kit.

One things for sure, they know what they're dealing with and there won't be surprises like last time. If they truly do have a secret army they're training, this could go pretty badly.