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tim_dude t1_j1kstaj wrote

I can see Russian media picking this up and using for their propaganda of how Europe is suffering without their gas


VagueSomething t1_j1l4tur wrote

They already have propaganda videos talking about Europe turning into what 2/3rds of Russia is because of this war. It is sad that people believe it entirely.


Throwawaythispoopy t1_j1lf0vs wrote

lol funny how they use turning into Russia to insinuate that Europe isn’t doing well.

Even they acknowledge Russia is a shit hole


VagueSomething t1_j1lgmns wrote

Our Western decadence is our downfall they claim but our downfall makes us look Russian. It is the logic from the smooth brains who claim they invaded a country that put them closer to NATO because they're scared NATO is getting closer to their border.


MeowMeowHappy t1_j1ne8es wrote

Balance of power politics. Russia lost its sphere of influence over Ukraine when the CIA did a western-back coupe in 2014 (victoria nuland was the mastermind).

USA knew that this could probably cause Russia to invade. And then Russia did invade.


sambull t1_j1lwm6r wrote

They can't just keep popping UK videos up and call them Europe anymore... UK has made it clear they ain't that


napoleon_wang t1_j1ph1ok wrote

Oh, damnit... What's that word for punching oneself repeatedly in the face?


pokpiko t1_j1lm62n wrote

Russians wish they were half as effective at making others miserable as a tory government is.


DownImpulse t1_j1lmz2y wrote

Russian comrades, listen to me. Europe is on the edge of disaster but here in Russia we are one step ahead of them.


Traevia t1_j1lxkqf wrote

Except the core idea of the article "rising natural gas prices" is changing. The prices are starting to drop.

In fact, they were just historically low in 2015 and 2020 so people are mad about it despite the fact that prices were going back up higher from 2020 to December of 2021 before this war started


Love_God551 t1_j1nhwtj wrote

While ignoring the fact that Russia has been like this for years and will be this or worse for decades to come unless they cut lose their tiny little leader

Absolute bollocks


JOAO-RATAO t1_j1lvul1 wrote

They are...

And by cancelling their contracts but continuing to import russian gas they gave the russians a lot more money.


gevorgter t1_j1l528g wrote

Hm... I do not think it's propaganda if it's a truth. Porpoganda usually has a misleading nature.


[deleted] t1_j1l28vo wrote



HelperNoHelper t1_j1lnh99 wrote

It has little to do with russia, but russia wants misery to be their fault because it tickles their tiny balls to think they’re making people as miserable as they are. Tories scrapped price caps, tories mismanaged the government for 12 years, tories precipitated brexit and bungled the aftermath.