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samenumberwhodis t1_j1xhcvf wrote


mikica1986 t1_j1xn97u wrote

We call "Bosnian"/"Bosniak" anyone who comes from Bosnia. If you're referring to Bosnian muslims, I believe they are majority (or very significant minority) around Pazar.

P.S. Joke was good on a surface level, tho :D


samenumberwhodis t1_j1xq4ka wrote

Genocide is hilarious :D


mikica1986 t1_j1xs2if wrote

I wouldn't go that far


samenumberwhodis t1_j1zbtaw wrote

You're right, what Serbia did to Bosnia isn't funny. Almost 100,000 civilians killed, Sarajevo leveled, Srebenica. You can play the victim all you like but the entire global community knows what Serbia did. And your denial of the facts and lack of contrition is why people call you Nazis.


mikica1986 t1_j1zipkl wrote

Where did I deny attrocities in Bosnia happened? Where did I play victim?

There was a civil war in Bosnia. Threeway free for all between Serbs (Ortodox), Muslims and Croats (Catolic).

Also, Serbia didn't invade Bosnia, Yugoslavia was falling apart and Milošević (that was president of Yugoslavia, not Serbia, tho he was defacto power mad emperor of slaughter) was waging wars in order to keep his power.

He was a Serb, tho, and he didn't discriminate (much, he had a thing for killing Muslims more than others) based on ethnicity, he was killing anyone that opposed him.

I'm old enough to remember riots in the streets when the wars started, military shooting at protesters and so on. Then sanctions came and broke any kind of resistance, because people were surviving day to day instead of opposing goverment.

In the end, you do you, it's easier to have a "well defined" bad guy :D