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bandehaihaamuske t1_iy7hwsd wrote

Isn't it a logistical nightmare to transport all that LNG from Qatar via sea route to Germany?


BeeSpecialist446 t1_iy7jyti wrote

Suez Canal, egypt


bandehaihaamuske t1_iy7vhgt wrote

Yes I know, but what I meant the nightmare is its more of how much they would need to import to sustain the demand and if they have enough docking stations to receive the gas


TWiesengrund t1_iy84ml1 wrote

Until this year Germany had exactly zero LNG harbors. Our first one was rushed through bureaucracy because the need is that pressing and it will get online in a few weeks. There are more planned in the near future. From 2026 Qatari gas will fill about 3% of German demand. Our government is finally diversifying now after the Russian shock.


TWiesengrund t1_iy84az1 wrote

The energy cost of liquefying natural gas is enormeous but once it is in liquid state and on a tanker the transportation cost is negligible. Of course it's still much, much more expensive than getting gas through a pipeline.