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astanton1862 t1_iy8297u wrote

If these are officially licensed by FIFA then we are the dumbest people to ever occupy this planet.


FardoBaggins t1_iy84c52 wrote

“I hate Elvis” pins were sold by his merch team too.


Infantry1stLt t1_iy97l57 wrote

Did someone already trademark the MAGA red caps?


Navi_Here t1_iy97zie wrote

If it was Hillary Clinton that would have been hilarious.


SuperZapper_Recharge t1_iya5jww wrote

Here is the thing.

I am sorry it is harsh, but, when I boil it down, it is what it is.

FIFA accepted bribes to give its biggest set of games that are only played every 4 years to a desert country with outside temps so high that it threatened the lives of the soccer players if played during the traditional time.

That country then used slave labor to build new stadiums and a new city. Laborers' died, laborers couldn't go home- they are living in filth off the edges of the city.

That country then made Jewish Prayer - specificaly Jewish Prayer - illegal.

They have then gone out of there way to push all kinds of hate at anyone falling underneath the LGBTQ banner.

And I haven't even begun to look at the countries traditional treatment of women.

The soccer fans really only have to do one thing to show there displeasure and bring FIFA in line.

Make this the least watched series ever. If fans were just like, 'Holy shit no. That is a shit show fuck em.'. and pretended there were 8 years between world cups - it would work.

But fans can't be bothered.

'Oh I can enjoy the games, take in the advertising and still be repulsed by Qatar!'.


Sure you can.


puggiepuggie t1_iyc1d9o wrote

What annoys me about the entire situation is people could die building stadiums, the money could flow through extremist pockets, religions could be targeted for hate and Europe is like i sleep

But, ohoho banning an armband that does NOTHING real for lgbt people ?? That's where we draw the line. Call those barbarians over here , we are gonna have a problem >:c how am i supposed to virtue signal if my right to PR stunts is taken away??? Not on Europes watch.

I am embarrassed.


dublem t1_iy9e1kb wrote

What are you talking about? We just achieved world peace!