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YeetedApple t1_iyep03k wrote

Are you saying china flying military aircraft directly towards a nation they regularly threaten to invade, with the intent to force a response, is not aggressive? Sure the US is acting in its own self interest, but acting like they are equivalent here is ridiculous. I absolutely can complain about a country threatening an invasion while at the same time saying those threats should be contested.


feeltheslipstream t1_iyeyv71 wrote

I'm saying that if you classify flights in international airspace as aggressive, don't scoff when others say sailing through international waters are aggressive.

Pick a standard and stick to it.


YeetedApple t1_iyf8nvs wrote

"flights in international airspace" was never the standard, and is a terrible attempt to remove all context from the situation. If you want to say sailing through international waters is aggressive, is every ship everywhere aggressive then? If not, how do you decide which ships are aggressive or not?