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MikeFrench98 t1_iy0w7n7 wrote

The Ukrainian governement thought they were dead. When they saw they were wrong, they said so and declared they were happy the soldiers were alive.

It wasn't "a deliberate lie to manipulate the gullibale Westerners into linking Ukraine" like the pro-russians like to say.


dozerbuild t1_iy1l88q wrote

What about the Ghost of Kiev?

Does that propaganda false hood count?


Turnpikes t1_iy26mef wrote

Propaganda is a tool of war. Each person. subjectively picks a propaganda they like.


Exist50 t1_iy0xcqo wrote

>The Ukrainian governement thought they were dead. When they saw they were wrong, they said so and declared they were happy the soldiers were alive.

Lmao, what on earth gave you that idea? They were literally paraded out on Russian TV.

Just like with the recent missile strike in Poland or "Ghost of Kiev", the Ukrainian government is perfectly willing to lie to support the war effort. Russia doesn't have a monopoly on propaganda.


MikeFrench98 t1_iy0xucy wrote

>They were literally paraded out on Russian TV.

Yeah, and? That's when Ukraine discovered they weren't dead, and announced it officially shortly after, even rejoicing about it


Proxyplanet t1_iy1y4og wrote

He shouldnt have even announced they were dead, could have just said suspected dead. But he actually said they were dead heroes that never surrendered. It was pure propoganda, stop making excuses for it.


Exist50 t1_iy0y1xi wrote

Tell me, why so you think Ukraine declared them dead when they very clearly weren't?

> That's when Ukraine discovered they weren't dead, and announced it officially shortly after, even rejoicing about it

Just like how the Ghost of Kiev became metaphorical only after the fact.