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Morfildur t1_iyc7xy0 wrote

Both countries are in a difficult spot. They have plenty of resources, but they're essentially land-locked, so exporting those resources is very difficult.

It would make sense that they're looking for neighbours to export through and for those the only one's with sea access for large scale global exports are Russia, China and (via the caspian sea) Iran. Not exactly the best partners to have.

The closest Chinese sea port is around 3000km from their border. The closest Russian sea port is less than 1000km away.

They have the choice of not exporting and staying poor or making a deal with one of the devils around them.


Mirathecat22 t1_iycdioz wrote

I don’t disagree here, however Kazakhstan at the very least has already been shipping oil/gas (I don’t specifically remember which natural resource it was) through to Azerbaijan, while I don’t like Azerbaijan too much (mainly their government) it can be a big step in the right direction away from Russia for multiple countries. Especially if Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan want to move away from Russias influence, and recent times suggest they do, especially Kazakhstan moving away from the Cyrillic alphabet in favour of the Latin alphabet.