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Orlando1701 t1_iy56go7 wrote

That doesn’t mean what you think it means.


HueyCrashTestPilot t1_iy56vms wrote

Yes, it does.

And your comment is a perfect example of it.


Orlando1701 t1_iy57bxo wrote

So… I’m gonna fix you here hero so you don’t embarrass yourself in the future. It’s not because I’m not using the point to deflect from the failure of Russian logistics. We know it’s been bad since the start, what I did is called “yes and…” but you of course already knew that. It’s historical context for major powers struggling with basic logistics when an east victory turns into an extended quagmire.

So… like I said that word doesn’t mean what you think it means and rather than being unable to process new information this is where you say TIL and move on with your day.


HueyCrashTestPilot t1_iy59niz wrote

>I don't don't know what 'whataboutism' means, but I am really upset that you said that I did it.

Oh, I know. We all know.

And that's ok! I conveniently left a link in my first comment here that you can click on to learn about whataboutisms.

So, go ahead hErO and point your Speak 'N' Spell on over there and give learning a shot.


Orlando1701 t1_iy59ss0 wrote

Dude… don’t get pissed. Just admit you didn’t know something and move on. JFC.


HueyCrashTestPilot t1_iy5cvue wrote

I will admit that I didn't realize that you would fight so hard to avoid trying to learn something. It's impressive. Not in a good way mind you, but impressive nonetheless.

You remind me of those old people on Facebook that will smugly post a meme that is talking shit about personality traits that they don't realize perfectly describe them.